Georgetown University Law Student Sandra Fluke has proven herself to be one of the best and brightest of a new generation of articulate, empowered, fearless women. She’s been delivering speeches and TV interviews standing up for her belief that all women should have access to free contraception. As you know, this has been a hot-button issue on the GOP campaign trail. On Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh, in front of millions of his listeners, called Sandra Fluke a ‘Slut’. This is yet another example of emotional thinking and immaturity, which Limbaugh is well known for. Here’s a 61 year old multimillionaire bullying a college girl and attempting to embarrass her. Limbaugh should be ashamed of himself, but that’s not the point of this post, because he’s not running for President. Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are, and guess how they responded to Limbaugh’s slur? Watch this short video and see if you’re not as outraged as I am. I’ll look forward to your comments.     Steve Siebold   (6:40)

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Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.

152 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh’s ‘Slut’ Slur”

  1. Inflammatory comments may make good sound bites but have no place in meaningful debate. I think you are right. A derogatory statement towards a women is uncalled for even if you vehemently disagree with her opinion. Keeping you cool even when you disagree with someone takes mental toughness. Let’s keep it civil.

  2. Adam,
    Thanks for your thoughts. And you’re right, we’ve had a lot of reactionary comments fueled by emotion. Most of which had nothing to do with the point of the post. Emotion clouds judgement, and this is a classic example. To their defense, I’ve coached Fortune 500 boards in critical thinking, and some of them even struggle with it. We’re emotional creatures and it’s difficult to tame the beast that rages within.

  3. Mike, I agree. i just wish the group could have focused on the candidates instead of the entitlement issue. The majority of the comments had nothing to do with the post or the point. Everyone assumes I’m taking a liberal position, which is amusing since I’ve spoken out against entitlement on TV, radio and print all over the world. Emotion clouds judgment, to your point. And I agree, If it was my kid Rush had called a slut he’d have a bigger problem than losing advertisers. Now THATS an emotional response. Good thing I don’t have kids! LOL. Thanks for weighing in, Mike.

  4. We should applaud her ability to speak well in spite of the flawed thinking behind it? This kind of rhetoric is not to be praised regardless of the quality; epithets aside, it is disseminating a dangerous attitude of entitlement. Let’s not be distracted by emotionally-driven comments as immature as they were.
    Our encouragemenrt should lie in the outcome of beneficial critical thinking.

    1. Barbara,
      Don’t you see any value in encouraging a young woman for having the guts to stand up to the establishment, even if you disagree with her position? If she was your daughter, would you rather see her back down?

  5. Some of those who left comments didn’t “get” what the issue is here. If I were Ms. Fluke, I would sue Rush for slander!

  6. This issue is not about contraceptives; it is about liberty and freedom. It has been cooked up by the liberals in an attempt to discredit conservatives and to not discuss important issues. Ms. Flukes’ issue is entitlement. I very much disagree with your rant.

    1. Sherri,
      This issue was not cooked up by liberals; it was cooked up by the Catholic Church who pushed back on the liberals for mandating contraception for all employers.

  7. I am so disappointed in you, Steve. I had no idea you were so politically naive. I have been a long time supporter and have bought most of your products and have highly endorsed you to all of my colleagues and associates. In my mind you violate your own critical thinking thought process by being so strongly opinionated, by something that is obviously a ploy in political debauchery. You say your not an Obama fan and then you endorse him for the rest of your conversation. You also criticize the GOP and lack of leadership and it is apparent you are so brainwashed by the Democratic party. They make silly and inappropriate comments all the time and I don’t see you applying this same logic with them, at least this is my take and it’s obvious that I do not know you and maybe you do speak up against all. In the world today their are so many more important issues than Ms. Fluke and I don’t think that Santorum’s or Romey’s responses indicate a strong or week leadership trait. I thought of you above all of this silly politics and you were truly a critical thinker that you wouldn’t be manipulated by our politicians. Obviously I was wrong. I will not be endorsing you or your products in the future. My only advice is for you to go back to what you do best and I will say you are among the best. “Stay out of politics!!!!!” Sincerely.

    1. Dennis,
      I appreciate your long time support. I really do. But how does a long time supporter disagree with one thing I’ve said and then threaten to stop endorsing me? Do you consider that critical thinking or emotional reactionary thinking?

  8. I find this whole thread very interesting. I have loved the Mental Toughness blog and have incorporated much into my personal and business life. I am so impressed that so many hear have had the mental cahones to stand up against the barrage of entitlement mentality. As to the original post, I guess it would pay to know thy audience??

    1. Rebecca,
      Thanks for your comment. Not sure if you are referring to the GOP candidates or me in terms of knowing your audience. If they were leaders, they would stand up and say what they really think. As for me, If I had spent my career as a mental toughness coach pandering to audences I wouldn’t be traveling the world doing it. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything and I’m not looking for approval. My job is to put ideas on the table; state what I see as critical thinking on the subject, and open it up for commnents. Thats what I do for a living. Good thing I’m not running for office, huh?! LOL 🙂 Steve

  9. Sorry Steve, I admire your Mental toughness qualities and have adopted most if not all of them in my personal life, however, on this issue I completed disagree with you. This young lady has bought into the entitlement mentality. The idea that the rest of the American population should have to pay for her contraceptive devices is absurd. If she had truly adopted mental toughness, she would be creating ways to afford this herself instead of taking the easy way out by demanding that someone else pay for it. I’m deeply disappointed in your position on this and I’m actually amazed that you would take the middle class view on this. Demanding that someone else pay for something as unessential as contraceptives is not being mentally tough, it’s being a victim. As far as the words Rush has used in the past few days…there are those that are offended by them, however, I’m more offended that this woman is demanding that I pay for her contraception. Thank you for the opportunity to express our views.

    1. Ronnie,
      I agree with you. People should pay their own way. This post has nothing to do with that. It’s about the GOP candidates.
      Thanks for your comments

  10. I appreciate everyones comments on this post, although most of them were not about Mitt Romney and Rick Santorums lack of outrage at Rush Limbaugh. For the record, I agree with those of you who say Sandra Fluke and everyone else should have to pay for birth control. We all have to pay our own way, and I disagree with her on this matter. I am more interested in the bigger issue of true leadership. Not condemning LImbaugh for calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” and saying she should post her videos online is wrong. Mental Toughness and Critical Thinking requires logic and reason devoid of emotion. This is what I teach some of the biggest companies in the world, and it’s a skill very few people have, yet it’s necessary for world-class success.

  11. Steve,
    Freedom or “Free” is never Free, no matter what!!! If there’s any takeaway from this sensationalized event, that’s it.

    The entitlement attitude and emotional weakness (not really immaturity) are the problems we’re having in the country right now.
    The answer to attacking character is not attacking the attacker’s character.
    I believe you should disclose the fact to everyone that you are a member of the Democratic party before saying that everyone knows your past issues with Obama. That’s a smoke and mirrors approach to getting your political views accross without “seeming” to lean one way or the other.

    To be truly mentally tough, be independant on your political views and an independant thinker!!! Like me you probably have viewpoints that cross political boundaries accross the board.

    My suggestion is to stay away from political issues unless you want to be a politician. You appear to be best at helping people build their speaking abilities, critical thinking skills and harnessing their energies towards being productive members of society. That’s really more of a “conservative” ideal anyway!

  12. I think another important aspect of mental toughness is to acknowledge the fact that words have meaning. Steve, you used the word contraceptive. The literal meaning is a form of birth control that prevents conception from taking place. I, along with millions of other Americans, beleive that human life begins at conception. Many forms of birth control allow conception to take place and then prevent the embryo from implanting in the uterus. These are rightly called abortifacients which we believe destroys human life. It is in our opinion a moral evil. Contraceptives, on the other hand, prevent conception from taking place so they do not take a human life. To force insurance companies, religous organizations, or the American taxpayer to pay for what we concider a moral evil deserves opposition. Moral toughness is about the freedom to create our own lives and destinies…it is not about an intrusive government forcing us to pay for the downfall of our nation and our freedoms.

  13. Whether you agree with the sentiment or not, this is NOT the language of public leadership. It demonstrates an unacceptably bigoted political attitude, that needs to be consigned to history by the younger generations.

    1. Gary,
      I agree. I have a lot of corporate clients in the United Kingdom and the fact is that America lacks the emotional maturity your culture enjoys. I love America, but on social issues we have the emotional maturity of a teenager. Thanks for your comment, Gary.

  14. Dear Steve and anyone else that thinks just because you are a “young woman” every thing you WANT should be paid for by someone else,

    It is ever so easy to make a “private” call (nod nod wink wink) to someone who publicly is making you look good. Not much mental toughness needed.
    It sounds like the only other acceptable response from the aspiring Presidents would be for them to “bully” Rush. Their disparaging words were not enough for you. I’m not sure what it would have taken for you to call it leadership.
    Rush has apologized for his poor choice of words and I think it was not OK, but for you to act like this poor child cannot go forward in life because someone strongly disagrees with her is ABSURD.
    I grew up with the mantra that “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Maybe some of these sayings should be revised.
    Another useful one “nothing is EVER free” I fear for the future of an America that loses their grip on this reality.

    1. Vicki,
      Mitt Romney said in response’ “I wouldn’t have said it that way.” Santorum called Limbaugh’s rant “absurd”. Are these responses disparaging? If it was your daughter Limbaugh had called these names, would these responses be strong enough for you? Engage your critical thinking skills, minus emotion, and see if you arrive at the same conclusion.
      Thanks for weighing-in.
      P.S. Limbaugh has NOT apologized, unless I missed something in the news.

  15. Steve, here it’s past midnight and I’m still bothered by your post about Ms. Fluke, Limbaugh and the GOP candidate’s supposed shortcomings.

    What bothers me is that what you described Ms. Fluke to be, is not “mental toughness”. Mental toughness is exhibited by people, men and women, who take responsibility for their own lives, who decide on a course and when they can’t go through it, they go under it, over it, or around it without tearing down others, but rather help lift up others as they go. They don’t expect others to pay for it, and they don’t blame others when things don’t go right. They don’t make excuses, they don’t whine, and they most of all, don’t spend their time looking for whom to blame and force to pay for what they perceive to be their rights.
    Nobody owes you anything that you are not willing to work for and everybody owes you decent tratment if you are treating everybody decently, too.

    Please Steve, rethink your comments about this and set yourself and others once again straight as to what true mental toughnes is. If you can’t find any good examples of truly mentally tough people, as indeed it gets harder and harder to find them in this victim mentality nation, may I suggest Cynthia Kersey’s books “Unstoppable” and “Unstoppable Women”.


  16. Steve,

    You are a human piece of crap. This PUNK goes to Congress asking for free condoms so she can fuck to her heart’s delight, even though she graduated from Cornell NINE YEARS ago, and now goes to a law school that charges $46k per year tuition. And she wants ME to pay for her condoms and pills?

    And you praise Obama for calling this wench, when he does not call the parents of American waar-dead fighting in a war that is worse than useless at this point but where he sent them to die in any case?

    You are beyond an idiot. You are a disgrace. Cancel my subscription immediately.

  17. Maybe Rush used the wrong words, but I do not believe I should be forced to pay for her sex. The point is about entitlements.

    Why does she have the right to go to congress and ask for my money, but Rush does not have a right to call this to our attention?

    BTW, I do not listen to Rush, ever.

  18. Steve,

    You’re backpeddeling saying this is about Santorum and Romney, yet you spent more than half the video on Rush. But to address your backpeddle: Why should Santorum and Romney have to comment at all about this? This is not THEIR issue. I know that you are an intelligent man, so I know that it didn’t escape you that the only reason those two were asked the question was because they are both pro-family/pro-marriage men. This is just another way the media is trying to flame the fire. Santorum and Romney have no reason to play into the media ploy.

  19. I can’t believe that you are commenting on this. She needs to face the objective reality that she is a slut who doesn’t want to pay $9 so she can tramp around!!

  20. Interesting Steve, I must have miss heard Miss Fluke. I thought I heard her say she was having trouble making ends meet because she couldn’t afford her birth control protection. It did sound like she said she was having so much sex it was breaking her.

    I’m guessing you would be proud of your daughter saying she was having so much sex, the government needed to pay for her birth control. Personally, I hope my granddaughters have a little more self control than that. I also think that a women with no more self control than that fits in the lawyer profession perfectly.

    I think you were disappointed in the leadership from the GOP front runners. Me too. Being an active member of the generation that brought on free love, I think my generation and I have been complacent in a change in our sexual mores that have had some serious unintended consequences. Regardless, there should be some personal responsibility involved in this and I don’t think this young woman (certainly not a lady) feels she has any. If they are to be our future leaders, it is time for them to stand up for liberty and the responsibility that comes with it.

  21. Your logic is flawed. First, just as you are appealing to an emotional response, Rush was as well. Second, you are using your circle of influence to make light of a much more severe symptom: the attack on religious liberty in America. Third, if the Affordable Care Act goes in to place it will have devastating affects to your wallet, as well as others who hire workers. Fourth, it is not a legitimate requirement that Santorum or Romney answer for Rush’s comments. You are mixing several illogical arguments. Fifth, you praise Fluke’s courage. You are not telling the whole picture of what is to be expected for bold actions.

    As you said, Rush is in the business of gaining followers, just as you are. You are faulting in him for using an emotional cry, but you are doing the same. This is a double standard.

    The reason America is what it is today, is because our Founding Fathers desired to flee the persecution of the Church of England. Nothing mattered more to them than having the ability for all to worship as they desire. If the Catholic Church that has been around for centuries has a well-documented issue with legislation, then the government should listen. Remember, the government is not here to give us rights; we are here to give the government its rights.

    The Affordable Care Act will be the largest expansion of government in our history. Are you ready for that? The entire bill has been sold to the public on emotion, and that is something you vehemently object to. House Minority Leader Pelosi implored, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” Are you ready for the pig in a poke? Furthermore, this is not about saving you or I money, it is about the liberty we will surrender when this bill goes in to place. Our Founders knew that liberty is priceless.

    Last, I agree that we should respect those who stand up for what they believe. However, the classes Fluke has taken should have also adequately prepared her for the consequences of standing for what she believes. Otherwise, the classes failed her, and are failing millions of other students. Tony Treece

    1. Tony,
      You’ve made at least a dozen arguments in your comments, only one of which was the point of the post. This has nothing to do with religious liberty; but with the failure of the GOP candidates to stand up to Limbaugh’s bullying. Thats the only point I was making. But now that you brought religion into it, let me ask you a critical thinking question: would Jesus approve of a powerful politcal figure like Limbaugh calling a college girl a slut for standing up for what she believes in? If he was running for the GOP nod, don’t you think he’d be the first one to speak out? That’s probably why people have called him a leader for 2,000 years. Your thoughts?

  22. Steve says:

    March 3, 2012 at 5:04 pm

    “Note to everyone involved in this discussion: this is about Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum’s response; NOT the issue of FREE contraception. Thats a different topic completely.”

    Gee, Steve, you could have fooled me. All I heard in your rant was how we poor women are being kept in our places by all this male prejudice. Obviously, I allowed my emotions to be carried off by your tone and words before you got to the “real” issue of your commentary.

    Since you asked, as to Romney and Santorum – are they any different than 0bama or any other politician? Obviously, our choices on all fronts this time around, just like the last few times around, are between being shot or hung or being hung or shot.
    Great Choice!

    (I liked BARON’s comment. Looks like critical thinking, to me.)

  23. Okay, Vic, you are pretty “emotional”, too, about this in your commentary.Wow, talking about emotional. Stand back and listen to yourself.

    As to the issue and Ms. Fluke, isn’t that the best thing she could ever have hoped for? Where else could she have stepped into the limelight like that? I bet, an appointment to represent what ever – will be forthcoming soon.

    As to name calling – that NEVER serves any argument other than to lose it.

    As to the issue Limbaugh commented on – he is not the only one who is perturped by the fact that too darn many people expect to have others pay for their life styles. Be that their eating, drinking, smoking habits which lead to a multitude of diseases, or their sexual habits and all the other habits which lead to illness, etc. which then others are forced to pay for. While it is expected that those life styles are paid for by the taxpayers, the taxpayers, however, have no right to demand that people live responsibly. As to Ms. Fluke’s or anyone else’s demand for free contraceptives,I bet she and all the others will jump on me as being unrealistic when I suggest to keep her legs crossed if she can’t afford the contraceptives or the kids.

    Now to your rant about the miserable lot women are supposedly facing in this country, aren’t you half a century too late?

    I’m 75 and not once in my entire life did I feel that I was discriminated against because I am a woman. I did not expect to be treated any different than anyone else on the job and somehow, I must have conveyed that in my interaction with the men I worked with. I have heard tons of women tell me how they were discriminated against, but to be honest, as Eleonore Roosevelt said,(not in exactly these words) you can only be discriminated against if you allow it.

    (And if you wonder about me – I immigrated to the USA in 1960, on my own, went to college here, worked all my life, mostly in jobs dominted by men, married by 40, raised 3 children,now widowed, and am still working full time; so I am not exactly living pampered in an ivy tower someplace.)

  24. Steve, I was a supporter of you and your message until this. Get out of politics! I’m writing an email to all of my sales friends to suggest they stop using your materials after today. There are a million other motivational speakers to choose from. If you retract this blog entry, I will reconsider. Thanks, a long time fan.

  25. Facts and data, and the mighty number of woman voters will have Obama mopping up the GOP in November!

    Until we all see this with an open mind we will remain victims of our thought patterns, belief patterns be it liberal or conservative.

    Remember it is a well established fact that humans will often die for their passionate beliefs. We will won’t ever change the minds of the die hard conservatives.

    Enough logic, now the emotional thinking, because that’s really the fun stuff anyway, am I right?

    I believe Rush is, and always has been a fat disgusting pig anyway. Also, since this blog is about mental toughness and avoiding delusion, I also think it’s the clear historical facts (Not beliefs but facts) that are right there in the data showing anyone with a clear and reasonable intelligence to see the facts, that we can all see that George Bush and the righty GOP tea party are the actual boneheads who destroyed our economy which is at cause of this very conversation in the first place.

    Defending the GOP and Rush is just the dumbest thing you could do! All the charts (meaning real data, not opinions, not beliefs or ideology) the real data shows that the economy has been getting better and correcting for over 30 months in a row with President Obama, so how all the conservatives can defend Rush for being such a low class loser and then continue to pretend that our “great president” is not doing the job at a minimum of 1000% better than Bush (Dick Cheney’s puppet) and the boneheads from his team…. well, then they are using their mental toughness to deny the facts, and they are living in their own blissful delusional fantasy! Bush “W” was the worst president in history.

    It won’t matter after the general election when the large majority of woman voters and the men who love and respect their wives and daughters will stand with them and apply the common sense to vote for the rightful winner who actually earned it will show who’s actions matter the most! See you in November! Obama will mop them up as he should. This months non-action by the GOP leadership will not be forgotten. Woman don’t forget this stuff, and they vote way more then men do! The GOP is done anyway!

    Lets all help by voting out the GOP boneheads in the house and senate and really take the power to the people! Just sayin’ it feels right!

  26. I am European and English is not my first language, still I think the issue is quite clear. Steve is addressing the lack of good manners. What is to be gained from speaking meanly of someone as a person, instead of critizising an opinion?

  27. HI Mike,

    I absolutely support critical thinking. I agree that it’s important to not tolerate
    “agendas being pushed”. I would love for this to not be a gender issue.

    What I am responding to directly is the lack of accountability from Mitt, Rick & Rush.
    That’s the issue that truly needs to be addressed. Language communicates respect or the possibility of manipulative influence among other results.

    Do you know any women in your life who have been referred to in derogatory terms for the sole purpose of keeping them in their place? Have you ever heard another man speak about women in a disrespectful way? What do think are the effects either of those situations create? Has any woman close to you shared how she was overlooked, or not given the same advantages simply because she was female?

    This is still prevalent in our culture. It’s still so accepted that prominent and influential men can use the word “slut” and most people don’t notice. Those who’s attention it is getting are more readily derailing the issue.

    This doesn’t have to be a gender issue if everyone were willing to take accountability for their actions and words. In this case, it really is the issue of how our culture will still put up with powerful men getting to call outspoken women “sluts.”

  28. Steve, old Rush is laughing his ass off…here he is, a putz (that’s a Yiddish word which means “entertainer”) radio personality who is earning $40+M yearly and the leading candidates for POTUS in his party won’t dare to bite the hand of the man who can feed (or starve) them. Don’t you hate it when supposedly smart people misuse words? A woman who enjoys sex responsibly by using contraception…their definition of a slut? What do you call political candidates who kiss up to a putz?

  29. Note to everyone involved in this discussion: this is about Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum’s response; NOT the issue of FREE contraception. Thats a different topic completely.

  30. You obviously did not hear the entire context of this whole thing. One thing Rush is definitely NOT known for is “emotional thinking and immaturity”. You can only believe that if you only listen to the liberal media’s completely out-of -context, incomplete sound bites gleaned from his show. What he definitely IS known for is exposing the absurdity of the left by taking it to its absurd conclusion. Since when is this whiney brat law student or anyone else entitled to have her promiscuity paid for by taxpayers. Why did such a promiscuous young woman choose to go to a Catholic school in the first place? This young woman is not a leader. She is a product of a failed school and media system in this country which has everyone thinking that the government (ie, taxpayers, you and me) owe them everything they want. Contraceptives are available and are a matter of personal responsibility. They can be bought or received free at Planned Parenthood, which I’m sure she supports. She is not the kind of person we need to look to for leadership in this country. And Rush did not directly call her a slut. He said when a woman wants to be paid for having sex, we call her a slut. He did not call her a slut for speaking out for her beliefs, he challenged her beliefs. You call yourself a leader and Fluke is the kind of person you think we need here? And you still buy into the old feminist BS? And you didn’t even bother to gather all the facts before condemning Rush. Your view of this absolutely does not jive with your Mental Toughness talk. Leaders don’t ask Congress for a taxpayer-funded handout. And they don’t just jump on the lamestream media bandwagon to condemn someone without checking it out first.
    I agree with Wayne- the only thing you said that makes any sense was your Obama comment. People like Obama and Sandra Fluke are what’s wrong with this country.

  31. there are no vic toms on the planet, unless………they say so, take no vic toms and no prosoners, for me its all about choice.

  32. Yes, an articulate, fearless woman-not a college girl. Ms. Fluke is clearly able to handle herself against a man of power and money. This is not a girl.

    Many of the people who post about this article have no clue about the background. My understanding is her difficulty stemmed from the fact that a friend of hers needed the drugs for a medical condition, and because its typical use was contraception it was denied.

    The insurance program is not an entitlement. It is purchased in the marketplace so is NOT an entitlement.

    Joe: I do not understand why you seem to believe that anyone who goes to an expensive school comes from money. A member of my family was fortunate enough to be accepted, and to study, at Georgetown University. My family is lower middle-income working class but appreciated the advantages such an environment would have on his life chances. I would think in this day and age when you need a degree to flip a burger (rendering many colleges degree mills )that any hard working, middle class family would put together what is necessary to send their kid to a good school

    I am baffled as to why so many men are writing and commenting about the issue of birth control. Until men start treating women with respect (and not treating the many women who don’t treat their own selves with respect badly), and talking to each other about treating their life partners well-please keep your mouths closed and your zipper zipped. We wouldn’t be having this discussion, then, would we?

  33. As Jon Stewart said, it’s not a religious war, it’s that the big religions are not getting everything they want. In our society we have a lot of give and take. Religions take home hundreds of billions of dollars in offerings – TAX FREE – every year. Not only that, they don’t pay real estate taxes. And they’re complaining about the small cost of providing the same thing other health providers are providing? Ridiculous. So it’s okay for hundreds of priests who have spent decades abusing young men in the church, and the powers that be in the church spent hundreds of millions covering up and defending these child rapists. But it’s okay to make a big deal about covering contraceptives? Grow up.

  34. Who cares what rush says he’s an entertainer… The point is why does it have to be free???? That’s all this Obama promises from day one is free stuff which we can’t pay for…And because I ask that question am I now against woman?…and besides it’s never “free”…someone has to pay for it…

  35. something about cross roads that reveal who we are and what we think…….As Ellen D. says at the end of each of her shows…. ”Be kind to one another” just keep it real…… Note: abundance of money, water, food on the planet.

  36. Steve,
    Rush’s comment was rough, and probably could have been softer, but it was right on the money. He is sick of the entitlement mentality that’s out there–especially being taught in our universities all over America. Going before CONGRESS to ask TAX-PAYERS to pay for CONTRACEPTIVES? You’re joking! This is not a married woman who isn’t ready to start a family. This is a, supposedly “intelligent,” law student. What Rush is saying is that she should be spending her time on her studies–after all, THAT’S what she’s at Georgetown for. If she or ANYONE ELSE, MALE or FEMALE, wants to go bed bouncing, they can do it privately and on their own dime. I can’t believe my tax dollars were used so this woman could get in front of CONGRESS to propose such an absurd idea. There’s no question that Rush was being a blunt instrument, but this country really needs a few of those right now.

    Also, you are saying that Rush could have found a more mature way of expressing his thoughts. Again, I agree. And the fact is that Santorum and Romney agree too. They agree with Rush’s point, but they expressed it in a more appropriate way. How do you find a nice way in today’s politically correct, pro-feminist, pro-gay and lesbian, anti-God and family society to say that a so-called intelligent woman (I am speaking SPECIFICALLY of Ms. Fluke–and boy, does her name fit) is an idiot?

  37. Steve,

    Thank you for stating the issue so clearly and boldly. This does have to stop!!!
    Powerful men bullying women with slanderous words and pushing them down
    can no longer be tolerated in this country. The fact that the running republican leaders can so easily not be accountable for their responses reflects the apathy that runs through this nation. It’s truly deplorable.
    To continue to tolerate emotional immaturity from the “influential” men in our nation is what keeps our image alive as the “ugly, greedy, fat american” through the eyes of other countries.
    Thank You Obama, for extending your respect to Sandra Fluke and for one more time treating women respectfully.
    Let’s all be accountable and demand that our leaders clean up their behavior and grow up!
    Thank you, Steve, for your clear reporting and for bringing this crucial issue into more and more people’s awareness.

  38. Good point, Steve and Siobhan! Wayne & Joe, guys you missed the point of the blog. While I would disagree with Ms. Fluke in thinking that contraception should be free (covered 100%) by insurance, as you stated, that is not the point. I am amazed at Rush resorting to such an immature, bullying tactic. However, at the same time, I am not amazed. Too frequently we see where people resort to immature name-calling instead of rational discussion of an issue. There is no reason for name-calling, nothing accomplished. The reality is that it is a simple run of the numbers – can insurance companies afford to or not afford to pay for the contraception in addition to addressing the freedom of religion issue. Instead as you point out, Steve, Rush resorts to calling her names for doing what she has been taught in school and even more importantly, what this country was founded on – freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is about the right to voice one’s opinions and thoughts in order to engage in relevant debate.

  39. No one should be dispareged on a national forum like that….however….she WENT to a national forum, made statements that are inflamatory to a great many people and opened herself up. She served herself up on a plate.

    Why should i pay for her contraceptives? I buy my own ( married with kids) and we work three jobs between us. Why would a law student at an EXPENSIVE law school, with great earning potential ahead feel the need to complain about 15 a month at MOST…how many times a month can a single person get laid?? doesnt the man take any responsibilty? 50/50? when i was single i NEVER thought to rely on the woman having something.. ever. not once.

    maybe we should set up a program that included so many people, and give them cash and food and job training with litte to ZERO oversight and let them extend the beneifits from 99 weeks for another 99 weeks.that hard working people cant afford to go to the movies…. OH WAIT…we already have that.

  40. Steve,

    You asked for comments! There is no question that Rush Limbaugh was way out of place using a public microphone in a national broadcast to use totally inappropriate terms for any public discourse. Rush Limbaugh is Wrong for the demeaning terms! Now to the issue at hand! Noone is denying anyone “health care”! Any adult can purchase contraceptives. The purchase is a personal choice. This young lady is asking ME to pay for HER sexual activity. That is a first in WORLD History! Obama is asking ME to pay not only for HER sexual activity, but also for the results of HER sexual activity, what he terms “an unwanted pregnancy”, should now be paid for by MY TAX DOLLARS – through the “solution for unwanted pregnancies” proported by the LIBERAL polititians, ABORTION. I morally object to promiscuous sexual activity. I morally object to the killing of babies living in a womb. Both acts are profoundly offensive to my moral and spiritual conscience. The young lady is welcome to enter the public discussion! Lets talk about it openly! I am neither morally, nor constitutionally, nor ethically, nor politically obligated to PAY for the moral choices – or even failures of this young lady! If you, Steve, want to leave the emotional baggage out of the discussion, lets get the FACTS out on the table.

  41. You are right. This is not at all about contraceptives, entitlement, or sex. This is about the immaturity and DRAMA of someone who has a lot of influence, and the lack of respect and critical thinking. Thank you Steve for being a thought leader and pointing out the unacceptable behavior that is so rampant in our country by those who are supposed to be leaders.

  42. Wow…so done with the entitlement…so done with those that spin so hard that the original issue is buried in baloney sauce…where is responsibility all the way around…for what you do in your sexual life to what you say in public (entertainer, politician or mental toughness coach). Obama’s now public “private” telephone conversation was done for political reasons in deference and opposition to both Romney and Santorum.

    Steve, on a personal note, I do not look up to you for your political views and, fortunately, other forums and print I access for your mentoring ability do not contain political commentary. It would have been well if I had not viewed this and will certainly refrain in the future!

  43. Bullying in the schools will end when the adults stop bullying each other.

    Our schools are reflections of our communities: test scores, people on free and reduced lunch, bullying, lack of motivation, and lack of respect for teachers are examples of community life.

    Kids are blamed on how big a problem bullying is in schools with when all you
    may have to do is look within the families and the community.

    What is the matter with kids today? Look to the adults that model behavior.

    What is the answer to bullying?

    Adopt a Be WUCA! strategy in your family, community, church, and school – in all areas of your life! Live to Welcome, Understand, Comfort, and Appreciate others.

    We’ll be amazed at the turnaround this country will see.

  44. Good Steve.
    That’s the mental toughness I like to see.

    How dare that “emotional immature blow hard” (your words) Rush Limbaugh call somebody a name who attends a school that charges about $46,000 a year, and is financially and emotionally devastated because hard working middle class tax payers put up a stink about paying for what “she can’t afford.” I think I’m gonna cry for her – Boo-Hoo.

  45. No one is preventing her from having access! She goes to a Georgetown, a religious college, with the intent to force her belief (others have to pay for anything I can’t afford) on this school. Shameful Where will the entitlements stop?

    The only thing you said he this blog that I agree with is: “I’m not a big Obama fan.”

  46. Unable to watch the video at this time but I will. Based on your into I have two comments: 1) Rush’s comments uncalled for no matter the belief or situation! 2) why FREE contraceptives?

    Ward “The Fence has Gotten Shorter” Lyon

  47. Steve,
    I am so thrilled to see you comment on this. I’ve been talking and writing about it on our show, web site, my personal Facebook page and thought I was the only one in the self improvement industry speaking out on this. Thank you. Thank you for standing for women’s right, not left or right!
    Broke to stoked,

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