The most common question I get is “What exactly IS mental toughness?” Watch this short video I taped in Salt Lake City after my interview on Good Morning Utah for the answer. I’ll look forward to your comments.
Watch on YouTube
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Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.

7 thoughts on “What is Mental Toughness?”

  1. It’s really great to find someone who speaks on Mental Toughness so well, Steve, and is so passionate about it. I grew up a very sensitive, caring person. Over the years, I’ve learned that many people don’t care about how compassionate you can be. They only care about themselves and how they can achieve their own goals, rather than the good of the whole. It was a hard struggle to learn how to control my emotions and let them get the best of me. Now, thanks your blog I’m gaining vital confidence in letting my reason and logic rule my head at work in business matters and letting my heart (or emotions) rule in relationships and how I treat people and would like them to treat me. Life is becoming easier to handle now that I can better discern when to be emotionally and/or mentally tough. Thanks, Steve!

  2. Apparently I’m a mental toughness infant when it comes to my emotions and money. Perhaps I need to listen to this blog post a few more times and shift my thinking to a place of logic on a few things. I find it challenging to look at things through the eyes of logic when dealing with huge changes. Change is a good thing. Even if it feels too big to tackle sometimes. Money is just a tool. You earn some, you lose some, and then you earn more. Thanks Steve.

  3. Funny…..easy to see when calm…..difficult to see when “in” the moment of emotion….unless the practice was enough before the emotion arrived.

    Best part to me, when critically asked, “compared to what?” I always have someone or something to show the way…to be the beacon for constant improvement. Even when I have practiced….I know I have to and can get better at the skill of controlling my emotions.

    love it Steve!

  4. How in the world can I be 57 and know so little?? I realize that in many areas I have very good mental toughness skills and in other areas–not so much!

    My favorite example of emotional control and mental toughness is George Washington–wow–read up on his character and see what toughness really is! And I am pretty darn sure I may not be encountering issues as tough as he had to handle!

    The best advice I have learned from Steve and a vital piece I was missing–especially in regards to fitness and weight control was how vitally important 100% compliance is. Now that I have learned that sage bit of advice my goals are being met with ease. Well, ease but not easy–every single morning without fail I get out of bed at 4:30—walk a minimum of 5 miles–lift weights 4 times a week and log all my food on a daily basis. Results are like magic with the 100% compliance rule being followed and is now a key element in my personal coaching.

    And yes I understand that once my fitness goals are reached the occasional treat will be fine and dandy —-but not yet!

    Gill Phelan

  5. Earlier this year, I suffered a brain virus combined with a diabetic stroke. I had no idea that I was diabetic until the emergency room doctors told me. After 10 days in the hospital, I now follow the diet recommendations and I continue to walk as I’ve done for years.

    I chose to walk through “high end” neighborhoods, so the wealthy residents could see me and talk with me. After seeing me walk by their house for several months, they asked how I was doing. I replied that I couldn’t think of anything better to do than to get and stay healthy. Does anyone think they have something better to do with their limited time than to get and stay healthy?

    After reading several of Steve’s books, I think I’m on the right track to achieving health through proper diet and exercise, and attracting wealth by associating with the right wealthy people first on a personal level and later by offering to solve their financial problems and to achieve their financial goals by analyzing, underwriting and presenting investments in real estate that meet their criteria. I know they won’t invest in my projects until they are ready to invest in me.

    I’m still amazed at how friendly and approachable everyone in the wealthy subdivision is to me, even when they know that I’m from the “other side of the railroad tracks” with my $8K crappy car amongst their $100K Tesla cars. Mutual respect, proper manners and etiquette go along way to “breaking the ice”.

    Thanks Steve.

  6. Hi Steve,
    I love the video and the blog. I want to thank you for the information and insights. I work with teens concerning bullying and the prevention of teen suicide. Today our teens and their parents need mental toughness! “Emotional Control” is a huge area of concern for me with today’s teens and their parents. Our organization is called Crazy 8 Freedom. The “Crazy 8” is the negative emotional cycle that teens get into.To get out of it; as you mentioned people “self medicate” trying to escape this emotional hell. The problem is teens turn to “cutting”, drugs, Bullying, and bullied,depression and suicide. I am trying to teach our teens MENTAL TOUGHNESS. My goal is to save lives..Thank you for the great words of encouragement. I shared this blog on our Facebook page.
    Live BOLD Dreams!
    Chris Mahan
    Co-Founder /Director
    Crazy 8 Freedom,Inc
    http://www.crazy8Freedom and

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