President Obama has once again used his considerable verbal skill to persuade democrats to vote for government controlled healthcare. Not only did he ignore the entire republican party, he ignored 55% of the American people who hate this bill. America can’t afford to pay for this, and the President has effectively saddled future generations with trillions of dollars of debt they won’t ever be able to pay back. In the worst economy of our lifetime, the President and his democratic co-horts are spending insane amounts of money we don’t have. And the republicans are not without blame. They had eight years under President Bush to elevate their puritanical thinking on social issues and gain support across the isle, and they failed to do so. The democrats want to control us and the republicans want to impose their moral agenda on us. Here’s my take: we don’t need these people telling us what to do or how to live. Listen to this post and give us your take in the comments section. Steve Siebold
Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.
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65 thoughts on “Obama-Care Disaster”
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“can’t be debated objecively and intelligently.” — Mike
What do I mean by that? Not that it can’t be discussed or debated as an up or down position. But that looking at the past year+ headed into the vote, it’s highly unlikely anyone with critical thinking skills understanding the facts could conclude otherwise.
OR are their facts that support the statement: Repulicans were included with Democrats in the health care bill development process that gave them equal opportunity to debate merits and craft legislation?
The poll numbers can be debated depending on the poll but ignoring the Republicans – actually shutting them out – can’t be debated objecively and intelligently.
The best of all of it to you.
Steve says: “Not only did he (Obama) ignore the entire republican party, he ignored 55% of the American people who hate this bill.”
Let’s validate this critical thought with a USA Today/Gallup Poll from today:
“More Americans now favor than oppose the health care overhaul that President Obama signed into law Tuesday, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds — a notable turnaround from surveys before the vote that showed a plurality against the legislation.
By 49%-40%, those polled say it was “a good thing” rather than a bad one that Congress passed the bill. Half describe their reaction in positive terms — as “enthusiastic” or “pleased” — while about four in 10 describe it in negative ways, as “disappointed” or “angry.”
“but to think there was no critical thinking at all seems as preposterous as believing that it was all based on critical thinking.” — Jane
That would be an irrational and preposterous thought.
Again, I’ve seen and been on public school committes working on critical changes using all degrees of critical and non critical analysis to create programs and make changes AND in the end money, agendas, and emotions trumped it all.
Worse, before any success with changes could happen new administrations trashed them and went through the process again and again and again.
Working in public education from 1075 – 2002 I watched as federal dollars increased and Title programs were created drop out rates, test results, and failure became the norm.
“But it’s society . . .” and “We need more more more money . . .” were the cries and still are the cries.
Our DC leaders work just like that.
Steve is right about health care mandates causing small businesses to go under – it’s happened already which is a fact.
The best of it all to you.
BTW – I agree that critical thinking is dispassionate and difficult to attain – but to think there was no critical thinking at all seems as preposterous as believing that it was all based on critical thinking.
And now I really do have to close out.
Steve – Thanks again for the opportunity to discuss this topic with people who we might never come into contact otherwise. Obviously it is important to a lot of people and it is getting talked about and that is terrific.
And thanks Mike, Chris et al for your input. I always learn something when I join a discussion like this and I especially appreciate that even though we may not agree that we can be open.
Have fun carrying on with it. Have to bow out now as it is digging into my work time and that could create some other critical conversations.
Thank YOU for joining our discussion and expressing how you really feel. Very few people have the courage to speak out, and I respect you for doing so.
It’s addictive, isn’t it? I laughed out loud when you said, ” And now I really have to close out”. I’m the same way. I get so into it I can’t stop myself!
Anyway…thanks again for your thoughts, Jane, and I hope you’ll join in on future posts.
“There is critical thinking going on…just not limited to the one year that Mike specified but over the course of 60 years. And the thinking didn’t all come from a group of Democrats it came from both parties.” — Jane
I didn’t specify that, Jane – I made a simple statement that what you posted about 60 years could be debated. Why?
Because continuity, changes, etc. so many variations assumes many things about critical thinking that may not be true. I watched school groups over years apply what may have looked like critical thinking to many things that ended up being passed because of: political power; agendas, emotion, and money.
AND YET what the press reported was a “process” that appeared as something of a rational or logical nature if not critically thought out.
Critical thinking is something that rarely ever happens individually and even more rarely happens collectively when agendas are being promoted – in that regard it’s almost always contrary to the agenda. Whether democrat or republican, taking out the collective and personal agenda and replacing it with lots of critical thinking people looking objectively at the facts is not something that happens.
Critical thinking is in a class of its own, extremely esoteric and dispassionate by nature, and if not impossible difficult in the extreme to achieve.
There’s another question: health care crisis or not? Other ways of changing some things? Did all sides have their say?
How about the Apollow Allience and its part in writing this bill? Anyone looking at that?
Steve is right about health care mandates causing small businesses to go under – it’s happened already which is a fact.
The best of 2010 to you.
In my experience, critical thinking isn’t something that happens over night but is the result of years of experience and study and accumulation of knowledge.
For instance, I just wrote a 78 page RFP in two weeks. Without the past versions written by many other people that I used as reference I would be writing for months. Same for this bill. It may have been written down by the current group but it is the culmination of years and years of thinking, writing, thinking, writing… There is critical thinking going on…just not limited to the one year that Mike specified but over the course of 60 years. And the thinking didn’t all come from a group of Democrats it came from both parties.
So Steve writer of “Die Fat or Get Tough” – this new Obamacare mandates that all food now have calories printed on the packaging – so that should do it, right!
Multitudes of people will suddenly look at calories and say, “OMG I didn’t know that I’m putting it back, going out for a walk, then eating a plate of steamed veggies.
Understanding human nature isn’t the same as being cynical. Larry Winget says the same thing.
It is great, Steve.
“Critical thinking in this context would require extensive expertise and understanding of this bill, and I doubt if anyone in DC, including the President, has it. 2,300+ pages? You must be kidding.” — Steve
THAT’s why I posted it – if it didn’t happen couldn’t happen it shouldn’t have happened but it did. Does that make people feel more secure now? It better not.
The best of success to you.
“If you had spent the last 20 years working on this bill do you think that you would have spent some critical thinking time in all those years? This is not a bill from the past year. This bill has actually been on the tables of Congress off and on for more than 60 years with many, many revisions. Trying to put it in the context of the politics that have happened over the last year is a mistake.” — Jane
That can be debated also.
Dig into a major writer source of this health bill – the Apollo Alliance – its connections and agenda – if you haven’t yet.
Apply critical analysis and thinking to what you find in comparison to what the press reports and your conclusions inform you.
The best of succes to you.
Sorry my first sentence should say “be like Mr & Ms. US” – we do, of course, love our friends across the pond.
Thanks Jane – that’s an excellent analysis (I think most of us in the UK don’t really want to like Mr & Ms. US either). Oddly enough most people in the UK don’t want a socialist government either. The different countries just seem to have drawn different lines on what government services provision constitutes socialism or an unbearable tax burden.
You collectively have a challenging path to take. I wonder if there are any parallels when similar systems were introduced in other countries. Certainly the introduction of the minimum wage a decade back in the UK sparked very similar howls from small businesses. It’s hard to imagine the UK without it now.
Mike. OK – guess we will have to agree to disagree about what is opinion and what is fact. IMHO Steve’s comments and many other comments in this blog are opinions not facts. And whether I agree with them isn’t the point. Even this last sentence is just an opinion and not a fact and really not worth further discussion.
As to your other question, let me ask you a question in return. If you had spent the last 20 years working on this bill do you think that you would have spent some critical thinking time in all those years? This is not a bill from the past year. This bill has actually been on the tables of Congress off and on for more than 60 years with many, many revisions. Trying to put it in the context of the politics that have happened over the last year is a mistake. (IMHO)
Here is another way I look at what happened this year. I have worked with very small companies (5 people) and fortune 500 companies implementing systems. There always comes a time when management finally has to make a decision to move forward and “go live” with a project. It’s usually a few months to a few years and not 60+ years but there are a lot more people to be considered in regards to the health bill so maybe a 60 year study is the right amount of time.
It is always a very fearful time for everyone because even with the very best planning, preparation and communications we really don’t know what is going to happen when we turn the switch. So if we believe that the steps need to be taken to change how insurance works (and I honestly haven’t met anyone who with consideration disagrees that the system we now have doesn’t work right) how do we protect ourselves from a massive failure.?
Some managements try what Clinton’s administration did – run a “fake” so to speak. and then they find out that there just isn’t enough support. That’s how management can learn what the people on a project are really thinking…where the biggest problems are. I believe what they learned under Clinton is that the U.S. as a whole is very wary of anything that smacks of socialism – or public welfare etc. and the bill got squashed that time. (Sorry Mister U.K. but I don’t think we want to be just like you.) Notice this time that the plan is not a public plan like medicare even thought it was suggested early on.
One of the critical pieces is building a plan that is implemented in enough pieces over enough time that we can see where there are going to be problems in the future and then work to correct those problems before they actually happen. And that time is built into this plan. A clear example is the client/friend of Steve who is worried about having to pay health insurance for his servers. He has 4 years to work on his concerns both from a personal business perspective and also from making his voice heard if he really does believe that it is insurance that is going to bring down his business. And Congress has time to really review this piece if they think it has some kinks. And I hope they do. And if they don’t then shame on them.
Even with months of preparation, I have never in over 25 years of working and running projects, been on a project where there weren’t two views about going live and someone had to make the decision to move forward. And the two sides were often very vocal and sometimes very angry, and sometimes even childish. Lots of expletives, lots of name calling etc. But guess what…the leader at some point takes the temperature of the situation and the people and makes a decision because if he/she didn’t the decision would never be made.
So to answer your question: Yes, I think there has been a lot of critical thinking about this bill but not over just one year but over 60+ years.
Years ago I had a bookkeeper literally throw her ledger at me in anger because we were forcing her to use that dreaded evil “The COMPUTER”. Six months later she thought I was a god. And now would most people want to live without their computers and all the communications and advances that have been made because of them? Same is true of medicare, social security and other social services. Everyone of these bills have been fought for tooth and nail and yet now if someone mentions cutting medicare…WOAH!!! do those Congress people yell…both sides of Congress and both major political parties. We have social services now and we appreciate them greatly…all of us. Even when you ride on roads that are paved, a soldier dies for you in Iraq, a policeman captures someone that hurt you or stole from you…all of those are government supported services that were at one time not available in this country. Would you take those away now? I doubt it.
No one wants to answer the question:
The real question is this: do you feel that over the past year our elected officials worked toward solutions with the mental toughness of critical thinking every step of the way that was transparent, analytical, and open to all avenues of consideration? If the answer is NO and you believe that critical thinking is necessary in governing our country, then you can’t go along with how the bill was drawn and passed.
If you say YES then we have contention and something to discuss.
From everything I’ve seen and read the answer is: NO.
Anyone else want to commit to an up and down vote on this question?
The best of 2010 to everyone.
Critical thinking in this context would require extensive expertise and understanding of this bill, and I doubt if anyone in DC, including the President, has it.
2,300+ pages? You must be kidding. It’s the same thing that happened with the stimulus money. The leader of the program still can’t track over 50% of the money! We’re talking about $300 billion dollars. Now we’re talking over a trillion. Anyone who states that critical thinking took place in this situation doesn’t understand what the term means.
Again, I hope I’m wrong and this is the greatest thing that ever happened to America. I doubt it, but I’ll hope for it. All I said in the post was we can’t afford it, and that seems to be lost on a lot of people. This is not just some law we disagree on, but a radical structural change in our system. This is a far bigger deal than many people realize, and it could very easily bankrupt the country and weaken us on many more fronts and make us more vulnerable to countries who would love to see us fall. And there are a lot of them out there. That’s not opinion. That’s critical thinking after operating businesses in 10 different countries for many years. Thanks for all of your thoughts, Mike! It’s great to see so many fired up people on both sides of the fence, isn’t it? Thats what America and the free world is all about.
Charles – it doesn’t quite work out like that. Unsurprisingly it’s considerably more complex:
You’re right there is an upper rate of income tax of 40% (but that only kicks in at a certain threshold – everything below that is taxed at a lower rate of 20%). The average UK citizen doesn’t earn enough to be on the higher rate of tax. Most people are probably paying around a 1/3 in income tax. There are various deductions too eg most pension contributions will be tax-free as will any charitable giving. Those with very low incomes don’t pay income tax at all (but we are talking pretty much poverty line wages here).
VAT originally applied to certain so-called luxury goods – but a very wide range of goods now fall into VAT (with some surprises – books are VAT free). This is probably the equivalent of the sales tax you have in certain states.
Tax rates are high – but I wonder how much the average US citizen spends as a proportion of their income on health insurance, income taxes and saving for a rainy day to cover you once welfare runs out (you can receive some level of support indefinitely in the UK). I expect your tax rates are lower overall – but your safety nets are a bit threadbare.
All of you realize, the standard income tax rate in England is 40%. In addition to that, they pay another 11% that’s actually labeled “National Insurance Contribution” making their total income tax in excess of 50%. On top of that, they have a “Value Added Tax” which is essentially a national sales tax to the tune of 17.5%. Is that where we want to be?
And please, I know we have an Englishman in this conversation, feel free to clarify or correct me if I’m mistaken about that.
The real question is this: do you feel that over the past year our elected officials worked toward solutions with the mental toughness of critical thinking every step of the way that was transparent, analytical, and open to all avenues of consideration? If the answer is NO and you believe that critical thinking is necessary in governing our country, then you can’t go along with how the bill was drawn and passed.
If you say YES then we have contention and something to discuss.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, Steve.
It’s interesting how polarised this discussion is. Personally I hope your fact turns out to be a truth (which can be later revised) as universal health care really is something worth having and while it is expensive it doesn’t have to be crippling. Many other countries manage it and small business does just fine.
Who knows – perhaps the laws of unintended consequences will come into play and the restaurant you cited will benefit from lots of extra customers who are no longer worrying about their health care costs or working in an expanded health industry. The extra tax’ll end up going back into the economy somehow!
“Aren’t facts supposed to include facts, figures, logic?” — Jane
It is a fact that I need to eat food and drink water to stay alive. No one would disagree with that. BUT it’s phrased in a statement containing no objective facts, figures, or logic. So it may or may not be a self evident fact to someone asking the question.
If Steve wanted or had to he could supply objective facts, figures, and logic along with speculative conclusions.
So no – just stating something you claim is a fact is fine. We all do that. Most of us don’t argue or debate daily the objective factuality of what we say.
I don’t question Steve’s assertion as being a fact but neither am I going to substantiate my assertion with objective facts, figures and logic. People can agree or disagree.
The real question is this: do you feel that over the past year our elected officials worked toward solutions with the mental toughness of critical thinking every step of the way that was transparent, analytical, and open to all avenues of consideration? If the answer is NO and you believe that critical thinking is necessary in governing our country, then you can’t go along with how the bill was drawn and passed.
If you say YES then we have contention and something to discuss.
The best of 2010 to you.
Wow – what a great thing you have done in your life…attempting to get people to really think. I really congratulate you and applaud your efforts. That is not easy to do on any level be it a young student or an experienced business person. That is one of the reasons I have been attracted to reading this blog in the past because the topics have been thought provoking at the least.
What confuses me is your comment that the following comment from Steve is a fact and not an opinion. Aren’t facts supposed to include facts, figures, logic? What I read below has non of that. So what is your basis of saying that it is “fact”?
Here’s the quote from your previous blog.
“Small business owners built America into what it is today, and the government is now handcuffing them a huge additional obstacle which is completely unnecessary. That’s objective reality minus emotion in this situation.” — Steve
why is it ok for us to pay $700 billion to bail out GREEDY bankers & financiers but it’s not ok for us to take care of our own – I think that mindset is shameful
I taught in the public school system from 1975 – 2002. I was over come with objective reality and the masses of parents and children I spoke with.
A growing majority by the time I left teaching believed they were owed everything from the cradle to the grave from the government and rich people. They told me that. They lived like that often 8 – 12 people living in homes using the system for all the basics earning money on the side.
They believed the government just makes money for people to use.
They believed everyone was totally equal in intelligence, ability, and the prospect of access to siz figure incomes.
When I talked about starting businesses, about being self employed, about how everything is inter connected frim they raw materials to manufacturing to distribution they had no clue. It was an alien language and concept to them.
When I told a room full of high school drop outs and kick outs returning to adult education that they might begin to feel empowered if the school didn’t supply them with paper and pencils and books but rathey they saved some of their coffee, smokes, and snack money to buy their own — THEY REVOLTED and all marched into the principal’s office to complain about me.
When I challenged thinking in the journalism classes I taught more revolt. To them opinions were facts.
As our system broke and broke and broke down more and more and more as Title I and Titly II money was used and greatly abused, when I attempted to bring that into a converstion teachers jumped all over me.
UNDERSTAND I am a teacher remembered today as one of the best one of the most inspired top teachers by former students AND I was never burned out or cynical – I was the perfect teacher in an inner city school.
So this post is not the ranting of a disgruntled former teacher.
I could go on and on and on – this is the post of a man who worked in the trenches of public education which he loved – good teachers are our unsung heros totally under paid and under respected – and had I not been gifted [and learned] with a temperment and disposition of inspiration and humor and an attitude of compassion and love and joy – I would have become a man of constant sorrow and depression living with a totally broken heart.
I traveled through my broken heart into a self discovered place of eternal joy. When my heart breaks today it doesn’t break me it mends me.
Back to the issue of this thread – can anyone say honestly that the entire process of health care reform was an undertaking of critical thinking by all sides open, transparent, and true to the best of human discourse and problem solving?
“Small business owners built America into what it is today, and the government is now handcuffing them a huge additional obstacle which is completely unnecessary. Thats objective reality minus emotion in this situation.” — Steve
That is a fact not an opinion.
And if this administration gets its way these facts will compound into something in opposition to everything that has made our country great. That is an opinion I hope doesn’t become fact.
The best of it all to you.
Business always has constraints to operate under – and often it’s a good thing (otherwise we’d still be living in the age where child labour and adulterating food stuffs with toxic ingredients was acceptable). Some will be able to adapt the new tax regime, some won’t. Surely they should just follow your advice, think world class, apply your techniques and make more money (there’s loads of it out there even now). They don’t just work in the good times and favourable tax regimes, do they?
Despite what a poster above says – here in the UK we can still choose to drink beer to excess, smoke and eat what we like while avoiding any exercise. Sure there are education programmes to encourage us to do otherwise and tax incentives for taking the more healthy path (if you don’t smoke you don’t pay any smoking related taxes for example).
It’s also clear that the market is not a perfect or free one. Otherwise why did we not allow the banks which screwed up to fail? Government either has to be totally hands off or be operating under some kind of parameters on behalf of and for the good of it’s people (despite what the people directly tell them). They clearly felt they were when it came to the banks and also this legislation.
I’m sorry, Steve – but I think is exposing some inconsistencies in what I understood to be your world view. Recessions and other constraints are opportunities for the well managed business and some of the most successful companies in the world started during them. I reckon it’s a super fantastic chance to propel yourself forward.
I appreciate your comments.
Placing a major unnecessary burden on small business owners is bad for business. It has nothing to do with world class thinking. What you’re using is positive thinking, which is good, but fails to consider the negative consequences of a situation. No amount of positive thinking will help a small business owner make a payroll that has suddenly doubled. They will simply go out of business. I’ve had hundreds of employees of the years, and the financial burden to an employer is already substantial. Not to mention the emotional pressure of knowing you’re responsible for the welfare of a group people and their families. Small business owners built America into what it is today, and the government is now handcuffing them a huge additional obstacle which is completely unnecessary. Thats objective reality minus emotion in this situation.
Steve, I’m very disappointed. When I heard you speak in person about 7 or 8 years ago, you remarked how Bill Clinton had achieved such a high level of consciousness and now the best you can do is repeat the disengenous utterings of Republicans. Is it possible that too much of George W. Bush has rubbed off on you? After all, Bush did have a serious problem with enemy identification.
I appreciate your comments.
Spending money you don’t have is not operating at a high level of thinking. That’s my point, and it has nothing to do with either political party.
Putting an additional financial burden on small business owners will put many out of business. That’s objective reality.
This administration under President Obama is radical in extreme in it’s anti business anti free enterprise anti capitalism positions and with a means justifying the ends attitude subterfuge is the new law of the land.
Nevertheless and momentum notwithstanding, I would put my money on conter forces more abruptly than slowly stopping this titanic disaster in the making that would put the USA in the history books along side Rome and countless other civilizations.
It simply won’t stand and won’t continue in spite of ideological resolutions to the contrary.
The best of 2010 to you.
The money issue aside (we’ve established that we can’t afford this Law), the real issue with this Law is control. This Law is NOT about creating an affordable environment for US citizens to have access to health care, this Law is about controlling our lives. The mandate to have insurance is about control (how many of the non-insured in this country CHOOSE to be uninsured?). The requirement for insurance companies to sell in all markets (why they don’t already is beyond me) is about control. Soon, as costs skyrocket, the need to tell citizens how to live (ie what to eat/drink/smoke and how much, what activities you can engage in – see UK health care for these) will be about control. Telling doctors how much money they can make (insurance companies telling them to only charge so much or not receive funds per gov’t regs) is about control.
Mental toughness makes the point that we are capable and responsible to make our own choices (even bad ones) and that the market, if left to truly operate in a mutually beneficial manner, can keep costs to the point where those that want insurance can get it and those that don’t can pay for care on their own.
This is an example of what I mean by not using critical thinking and just reacting.
You said that your Florida friend/client believes he has to shut his restaurant down in the next 12 months. The changes to small business insurance are not scheduled to change until 2014. If that is his plan then he isn’t thinking, he’s reacting.
What I would expect of people who believe that critical thinking is important is that they would not react and run around acting like Chicken Little shouting “the sky is falling” but would instead work with people like your friend to do some real critical thinking and come up with a solution that will keep him in business.
Steve, I downloaded and listened to your audio blog several times. The more I listened the more disheartened I became. Not because you choose to believe one way or the other. That’s part of critical thinking. What bothered me is that you had nothing concrete to say – just a bunch of platitudes. And that just isn’t like you.
The government spending money it does not have? I am not sure why this is critical thinking or why this is new? Since 1969 the US government has spent more money than it earned (except Clinton).
When a country is in a recession or when the economy does go well, that is when the government should spend money, that is when it should make debt! But it should not make debt when the economy is going well – for example from 2004 to 2007.
Not sure if I understand the logic of this blog. It is factually incorrect and a political statement. Sorry Steve, quite disappointing that you had to go this path and hiding under the cover of mental toughness. It really is mental weakness on your part.
By the way – the UK’s health care system was introduced when we were effectively bankrupted by World War II. I guess it was driven by the spirit of abundance – ie it was worth doing and we would find a way to fund it somehow (which we did).
While I agree with the sentiment that we don’t need politicians to tell us what to do on many fronts – here in the UK universal health care that is mostly free at the point of delivery is something pretty much everyone is willing to pay tax for and supports. Not having to worry about paying for health care when you are ill regardless of your prior earning capacity is regarded as a good thing. And no matter what your level of mental toughness – anyone can be hit by bad health through no fault of their own.
Frankly America’s blind spot in this area really does make you look poverty class to the rest of the developed world. Think you can’t afford it? – perhaps the US needs to get its priorities right. Going on idealogical or oil driven crusades in far flung parts of the world hardly strikes me as particularly spirit driven or a great example of world class thinking.
And oddly enough it isn’t our health care system which has bankrupted us here in the UK but rather the rogue banks…
Hi Steve,
Here me out…I once read that opportunity has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door and it often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat, that is why so many people miss opportunities…Even though I’m against it , he seized seized the opportunity and got it passed. Forget the political side of it, would you agree?
Thanks Leo. I’ll look.
Mike: I was referring to Western European countries, I wasn’t expressing myself clearly. Europeans, in general, view health care as a basic human right. To not offer health care is seen as a problem belonging to poor, under-developed nations. Which USA apparently is not. In addition to this I might add that we respect and appreciate the thrift of the American people. It is indeed a nation of citizens capable of taking action. That I will always admire. But I do strongly oppose the Republican economic policies.
To give you a little more information on European health care:
Again, Leo, Europe takes in a number of countries. Are you saying in comparision to the USA that European health care is the opposite of under-developed [please define that opposite], and that consequently it is better than health care in the USA OR are you saying – you need not be sorry for your statement – that European universal health care is simply less costly regardless of the quality and speed of care given?
I need help in understanding this.
Is the quality of health care, the speed of health care as far as seeing a doctor, universally world class in Europe?
I am sorry to say that here in Europe we regard lack of universal health care as a sign of under-development. Moreover, our health care systems does not cost nearly as much as the private American ones.
Good job, Steve! It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in! Thanks for speaking up. I agree 100%.
Anyone thinking critically about the events over the past year, the vote a few days ago, and long term consequences has to concludethat world class thinking and outcome did not prevail – poverty thinking did.
Any conclusion other than that is not the result of mental toughness and critical thinking.
The best of 2010 to you.
NO!!, Here is the solution, fix the insurance companies. They should of done this from the beginning and let the people get health care where ever they want to get it. This whole thing is really boggling to me. Lets keep it simple. Why are we all arguing with this?
Why aren’t we talking about the economy and jobs? We have our priorities all mixed up.
Hey, this health care mess will not be in effect for several years and then the Republicans will be in charge again and change it back. What a waste of time and money with all this non sense. This mess will be in court forever.
Terri – that really is funny – many people said the same thing about George Bush in regards to the war in Iraq…and then there was the FDR reforms after WWII that were going to bankrupt us…oh yes there was that thing about Reagan and deregulation…and…and…
Your comparisons are nowhere near the cost of this law. Do some more research and gather some numbers. We’re talking 1.2 TRILLION dollars, with absolutely no way to pay it back.
Terri that is SO funny. Yesterday I posted a Tweet that said “we now have a government that is by the president, of the president and for the president. “
What happened to government being led by the people and for the people?
The Obama administration is focused on creating huge government, and they are bankrupting the country making it happen. Expect more of this. I’d love to be wrong, but I’ve studied this guy for the last 3 years and he believes strongly in the principles of socialism. If only the republicans could get their act together and put up a respectable fight. The problem is they’re so hung up on preventing gay and lesbians from getting married, maintaining outdated drug laws, pushing family values on the country; as well as other social issues that keep their base happy and the money flowing from their donors.
Both parties need to grow up and allow people to live how they want to live. They work for us, but I think they’ve forgotten that. Thanks for your comment, Terri. We’re happy to have you in the mental toughness community!
Hi Steve while I respect and admire your success and prowess as a speaker and author of mental fitness, on this particular blog I totally disagree with your comments. Nuff said mate ! cheers John
Big John,
Obviously you and I will have to solve this over a beer at the pub next time I’m in London! Crazy things happening over here.
Thanks for your comment, John. Hope all is well.
Hey Steve,
I’m still reeling from this. I can’t believe it actually passed. And your comments are bi-partisan. You’re hard on both parties, and should be. I just can’t believe that this administration’s biggest priority is to pass health care legislation, to the tune of nearly a trillion dollars (that we don’t have) when we have much bigger priorities. We have 20-30 million people out of work. Why isn’t that a priority? What is the administration doing to address the jobless situation? Increasing our taxes and the fees (taxes) that employers will have to pay only exacerbates the problem.
Out of desperation, the electorate chose a teacher who had never been a governor or even a mayor, never run his own company or anyone else’s, never been a chief executive of anything, never had to deal with budgets, never had to deal with compromise, and put him in charge of the biggest country on the planet. Does that sound like a decision made by intelligent people? The republicans didn’t provide a valid option so I’ll give Obama’s supporters a little break, and as long as the electoral college is in place, how can any 3rd party candidate ever do anything except steal votes from one of the 2 main parties? Do we have any recourse now?
Simple solution: give the people what Congress has. The republicans are wholly owned by the insurance companies and would not have voted for any policy to pass. They should be ignored. What did the republicans offer to the debate? It’s crystal clear that they get their marching orders from the insurance lobby. The democrats should have passed a strong bill with 51 votes from day 1 but they chose to sell out to the insurance companies instead. The government needs strong campaign finance reform or we’ll never get the “public service” that we vote for.
Thought you might be interested in what a person from another country has to say about this situation. Again it is platitudes and uneducated to the total circumstances but it is how many people see us as a country…interesting.
I don’t know what other non Americans think of this Health Care reform bill matter but it seems all very odd to me as an outsider.
Apart from the obvious effects that a universal health coverage can bring to a nation / society especially one that can easily afford to introduce there is one matter in particular that I find difficult to grasp.
As far as I know those in power who are against this reform bill and often very aggressively against it are themselves the recipients of Health Care cover paid for by the American tax payer – am I right about this – is it correct to understand that Congress & Senate members are given this health care cover by virtue of their “position”?
If this is the case should they not give up this perk and stand their ground publicly?
Obelix is often seen saying “These Romans are crazy” – perhaps it should be “Americans” – you lot throw money all over the world (wars, humanitarian aid etc) often writing it off due to various economic circumstances but don’t seem to want help your own?
America is one of the forerunners in matters such as racial / religious etc tolerance – you have legislation to back this up – yet you allow your people to defame these Laws quite openly without any apparent recourse.
Steve, I used to respect you but now I wonder. I have never heard you say so many party lines and platitudes in one blog. It is disheartening to hear someone with a good mind like yours junking up the airwaves with this type of garbage. If you really want to talk about this topic, learn more, read more, really study and stop just mimicking what politicians say. All any politician cares about is his/her own wallet…and it doesn’t matter which side of the fence you are on politically.
Thank you for your comment. I’d encourage you to re-listen to this post. While I’ve worked with dozens of politicians over the years, including President Bush, I’ve never subscribed to to either major parties philosophy in whole. Most politicians are actually very good, committed people who are passionate about public service. I’ve never met President Obama, but I’m convinced he believes he’s doing he right thing. I think he’s doing terrible damage to the country, but I don’t doubt he believes it’s the right thing to do. You say all politicians care about is their own wallet, but any national politician could earn far more money in the private sector. I’ve sat behind closed doors with several of them, and I’ve spoken on conventions with even more. These people are patriots, although many are misguided and the public is largely unaware of the level of incompetence some of them are operating at. You’re obviously a passionate person, and I appreciate that. I’d challenge you keep an open mind and see if you don’t see the other side of this argument. I can promise you I will do the same thing, and I hope I’m way off on this one! This is what mental toughness and world class thinking is all about. Thanks again for participating in this post, and I look forward to hearing more of your comments.
Steve, you are right about this health care bill. We can’t afford it. The Democats won’t listen to us and they will be alot of them will be gone in November. They wrote their death wish. The worst thing is that we will be paying taxes on this and it won’t be in effect until 4 to 8 years from now. I am hoping that this will be held up in court for many years to come.
Thanks for your comment. I spoke to a friend of mine today who owns three restaurants in Florida and now plans on closing down in the next 12 months. He told me he can’t afford health insurance for the servers, who make most of their money from tips. This will put over 100 people out of work in Florida. My phone has been ringing off the hook all day from small business clients I’ve done consulting for over the years wondering what to do next. It’s sad. People who have never had to make payroll every week with families counting on you have no idea what it feels like to have to lay people off. It crushes their confidence and devastates their family finances. This is going to happen in droves all over America. But President Obama has never owned a business or had a single employee he was responsible for. Nor has he ever built a business of any kind and had to close it down. What most people don’t realize is small business in the economic engine of America. We don’t have the power to spend money we don’t have to stay open like the government does, so many of us will fold and flood the job market, which will cause a tidal wave of unemployment, which is already out of control. By the time the majority of the population who supported this figures out the significance of this legislation, it could be too late. I hope I’m wrong. Thanks again for joining the discussion, Don.