Steve Siebold’s Mental Toughness Secret # 2
Mental Toughness Secret # 2 from Steve Siebold’s best selling book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, which has now sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. ( 2:34 ) [media id=2]
Mental Toughness Video Blog From Steve Siebold
Mental Toughness Secret # 2 from Steve Siebold’s best selling book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, which has now sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. ( 2:34 ) [media id=2]
Mental Toughness Secret # 1 from Steve Siebold’s best selling book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, which has now sold over 100,000 copies worldwide.
I hope you’ll tune in to my live interview on the professional speaking business this Tuesday, June 24. Jeff Herring will be interviewing me about what some people have called the world’s highest paid profession: Professional Public Speaking. I’m not sure if it’s the highest paid or not, but I can tell you President Bill Clinton has earned $109 million in speaking fees since he left office. Even non-celebrity business speakers like me can earn a a seven-figure income expressing your expertise on a subject that solves a problem for an organization. If you’re a speaker, you’ll want to tune in to
As the U.S. copes with a light recession, fear based middle class thinking has swept the consciousness of the masses. This is not for you! Great fortunes are made during tough economic times, but only by mentally tough world class thinkers. While most people are tightening up on spending and sitting on their savings like a mother hen on her eggs, the great ones are getting richer by taking advantage of the incredible buying opportunities that are only available during the down cycle of an economy. These people refuse to allow fear to hold them back. Their consciousness is rooted in love
What the heck is happening with the leadership of the catholic church in Chicago? First we had Rev. Wright spouting anti-American hate to his Trinty Church flock, and the rest of the world (including our enemies) thanks to YouTube and the mass media. This so called “Spiritual Leader” saying “God Damn America.” and accusing the Government of all kinds of crazy things. My response to Rev. Wright is ” You can leave any time. If you want to spew hatred as a so-called spiritual leader go do it somewhere else. Now we have ANOTHER Catholic Rev. ( Wrights buddy) in Rev.
One of the deadly thought diseases of the middle class mindset is what I call Either/Or syndrome. This is the belief (usually programmed into us as children and reinforced in academia) that says you cannot have your cake and eat it, too. Of course sometimes this is true, which reinforces the global belief that it’s ‘always true’. World class thinkers start with the assumption they can have it all, and it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Since mental toughness is about critical thinking, this demands all possibilities be considered in the belief development process. Is it possible to be financially independent and still have a
I just did an interview on coaching mental toughness in basketball for an organization called It’s headed up by a coach named Brian Williams, and it’s a world class resource for anyone interested in coaching basketball and improving their performance. Check it out at Thanks to everyone who commented on the Middle Class Demonization of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Fantastic feedback! (I learned a lot) I’d like to encourage everyone in this community to pass on the mental toughness message by becoming a mentor or coach to someone. Kids, co-workers, spouses, family members, etc. Your coaching in this area may be
No other industry in America has been demonized more than the pharmaceutical industry. The middle class loves to criticize pharma companies for high prices and the commercialization of life saving and extending drugs and vaccines…UNTIL someone they LOVE gets sick. That’s when they rely on pharmaceutical companies to make them or their loved ones well. This is a classic example of middle class thinking and a severe lack of mental toughness. Pharmaceutical sales people are not only some of the finest professionals in selling, they are also some of the most caring I’ve ever worked with at Mental Toughness University. They
Hillary Clinton just won’t quit. According to the political pundits, Barrack Obama has all but locked up the nomination, yet the former first lady refuses to surrender. Love or hate her, I think you have to agree this woman has extraordinary mental toughness. Her never say die attitude shows through more and more as this primary season drags on and on. I’m not even mentally tough enough to keep watching it! Politics and personalities aside, Clinton’s laser-like mental focus on her lifelong dream is a real life Rocky Balboa story. I saw former Clinton administration advisor Dick Morris on Fox news tonight, and he chuckled
There’s no better example of delusional thinking than weight loss. What was once a socially acceptable problem has turned into an American epidemic. Getting fat is literally killing people by the millions, and robbing millions more of the healthy and vibrant life they deserve. The bad news is Madison Avenue has learned how to capitalize on the masses delusional thinking in this area. They run ads that say getting fat isn’t our fault, and present weight loss as a complex biochemical process that only their pill, potion, or program can solve…and people buy it by the truckload. The good news is you don’t