Why Your First Million is the Toughest

The first million is the hardest to make, but not for the reason most people think. Most people say it’s because it takes money to make money, and once you have a million, you can use it to make the next million. While this is technically true, it’s not the reason most millionaires cite. After interviewing millionaires for 26 years, most say the first million is the hardest because you have to believe you can do it before you have any proof or experience. Not to mention the fact that many people in your inner circle will laugh and ridicule you

10 Most Powerful Beliefs

In 26 years of research, I’ve found these 10 beliefs to be the most powerful. This segment of my national TV show, Mental Toughness with Steve Siebold, was one of the most popular I ever filmed. People all over the world wrote to me saying how excited they were to start programming these beliefs into their consciousness. After you watch this 4:58 segment, you’ll know why. [media id=40]

Bob Proctor’s Crazy Advice

Back in 1996, I got a late night phone call from Bob Proctor, the professional speaking legend and co-star of the hit movie, The Secret. This was the single craziest phone call I had ever had, and it turned out to be one of the most important. Bob’s advice was so outrageous it almost seemed funny. I followed it out of respect for Bob, not knowing it would catapult my consciousness and forever alter the way I approached my career. Watch this short video from my TV show, Mental Toughness with Steve Siebold, as I share this story. I hope it

Million-Dollar Strategy

Of all the mental toughness strategies I’ve learned and taught over the past 26 years, this is one of my all-time favorites. The millionaires I’ve interviewed all agree on one thing: world-class success requires world-class focus, to the point where your goal becomes a healthy obsession you think about 24/7. This post is a personal example of how my wife and I used a classic mental toughness strategy to make a dream come true. We’ve used this strategy to generate millions of dollars over the past few years, and I have to admit that I’m still in awe of the idea

What’s Your Excuse?

I just spoke at the convention for Deaf business owners, and I kept asking myself the same critical thinking question: What’s my excuse? These people are deaf and they’re building empires! These amazing people define what mental toughness is all about, and I think we can all learn from them. Watch this short video and see what you think. I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold [media id=34 width=422 height=240]

Mental Toughness on Alcatraz

I took a short break from my 5-city speaking tour to visit Alcatraz Island, the famous prison in San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz closed in 1963, but I was able to interview one of the last surviving inmates of the prison, who just happened to be there promoting his book. No kidding. Talk about about a tough guy! He was at least 80 years old, but still spoke like a gangster in an Al Capone movie. He talked about how the inmates would look out from the prison across bay and see the bright lights and big city of San Francisco. They

Mental Toughness and Emotion

Passionate people are among the most powerful on earth. They are great salespeople, entrepreneurs and philanthropists. But the truth is most people don’t know how to separate logic from emotion, or how to use each to their benefit. The result is left brain, logic-based thinkers tend to minimize the power of emotion; while right brain, emotion-based thinkers tend to overuse emotion and blend it into every decision they make. Both personality types are one-sided and relegated to middle-class thinking and decision making. I’ve spent the last 14 years teaching Fortune 500 sales teams how to use emotion for motivation and logic

Building a World-Class Belief System

My research has led me to the conclude that the foundation of world-class success is a world-class belief system. Very few people have been exposed to world-class beliefs, but in this 5-minute segment of my national television show, Mental Toughness with Steve Siebold, I discuss the beliefs I uncovered over a 26-year period interviewing some of the world’s most successful people. I also talk about how to teach these beliefs to your kids.  Steve Siebold  ( 4:57 ) [media id=31]

Mental Toughness Champion or Cold Blooded Killer?

Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted over 130 people terminally ill patients in ending their lives, and served 8 years in prison as his compensation. “Dr. Death” as some people call him, got of of prison in 2007 and is the subject of a new HBO movie called; You Don’t Know Jack, starring Al Pacino. This is a movie every critical thinker should see, because it raises a fundamental question: “Do we have the right to end of own lives?” The U.S. government says no. Watch this short post and see what you think. I’ll look forward to your comments and another spirited