The Most OFFENSIVE Coaching Question EVER

Along the course of facilitating critical thinking sessions with leaders and senior executive teams over the past 25 years, I’ve discovered one question that pierces the ego of even the most senior leaders. Critical thinking questions, by definition, are emotionless and non-judgmental, although they sound like the opposite. I’ve used them with professional sports teams, politicans, Fortune 500 executive teams, and billionaire entrepreneurs. (including one in the White House) The process worked so well for Johnson & Johnson’s leaders in the 1990’s that they paid me to write a book on the subject. The only downside of this process is that

Trump and Allies: Threat to Democracy?

In an opinion piece published on February 14, 2002, in the New York Times, former federal Judge Michael Luttig stated that “Trump and his political allies are a clear and present danger”. This goes beyond the insurrection of January 6th, 2021, when a delusional mob attempted to thwart the peaceful transfer of power and hang the Vice President of the United States. Thankfully they failed, with no help from the White House. 5 people were killed and many more injured, yet millions of Americans deny the historical, social and criminal significance of this attempted takeover of our nations capitol. Mental toughness

Overturning Roe v. Wade: Right or Wrong?

The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, which is the constitutional right for a woman to have an abortion. The christian, religious right has been fighting for this since 1973. The question is, should the U.S. government be able to tell a woman what she can do with her body? This decision will have an enormous impact on the lives of American women, especially poor American women. 20% of children in America are food insecure, and this number will skyrocket in the next 5 years. Please watch this short video and share your opinion on this important subject, even if

January 6th Investigation: History or Hype?

America is in the fight of its life. And if America dies, democracy around the world won’t be far behind. For 246 years, we’ve been the shining city on the hill, but today, we are more divided than ever. On January 6th, 2021, rioters broke into the nations capitol, resulting in the deaths of 5 people while hundreds were injured. The angry mob threatened the hang Vice President Mike Pence, while President Trump watched on TV, refusing to help. The mob was stalking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, with the intent of kidnapping or killing her. These are not opinions,

Teach Your Kids That Rich People Rule the World

Parenting is arguably the most important responsibility in life. Unfortunately, many parents echo our school systems by teaching children wishful, rather than critical, thinking. Many of us grow up hearing how love makes the world go around, only to discover that love has little to do with it. The problem with wishful thinking is that it leaves our kids vulnerable to predators with street smarts and skills, whether it means applying to their college or career of choice, purchasing their first car or home. While the realities of the world can be cruel, unfair and even sad, making sure your kids

Trump vs. Biden: Can You Handle It?

Emotional immaturity is one of the hallmarks of middle-class thinking. Its the primary reason we’re schooled as children never to discuss subjects like sex, politics or religion. Many people lack the emotional maturity to engage in a spirited discussion with someone that holds the opposite point of view. This relegates our society to discussing sports, movies and other socially meaningless subjects, which has stunted the growth of our citizens and our country. This Presidential election is the quintessential example of this amateur behavior. Social media is inundated with political posts that often generate hateful feedback. Watch this short video (if you

Don’t Be a Sucker with Your $1200 Stimulus Money!

Forbes, Wall St. Journal, Kiplinger and other top shelf publications are all getting it wrong when to comes to making recommendations on how to spend your $1200 check from the federal government. They’re suggesting strategies that would be prudent during a short-term crisis, yet the worldwide shutdown may take many more weeks or even months. Critical thinking says that before we can select a proactive strategy, we need more information on the duration of this unprecedented crisis. In the meantime, watch this short video and don’t let the government or news media sucker you into believing they have a crystal ball.

President Donald Trump: Mentally Tough or Weak?

The American news media is obsessed with every word President Donald Trump utters…no matter how crazy, untrue or outrageous. Politics aside, Trump is certainly a case study in psychology. He’s living proof of the theory that ego is insatiable. No amount of praise will ever be enough, which is why reminds the world daily how smart, rich and accomplished he is. How about Mental Toughness? Would you say that Trump is tough…or so weak that he must respond to every little criticism that’s thrown his way? Watch this short video and I’ll look forward to hearing your response.

The Magic Mental Toughness Formula

There’s a little known formula for thinking that creates a psychological structure for high performance. World-class coaches like Nick Saban and Coach K are masters of it. The most strategic professional athletes use it to drive their performance. On the flip side, Tiger Woods got the formula confused during his personal crisis, and it cost him a decade in the prime of his career. The formula can work for or against you. Once you understand it, it will become as asset you can utilize for the rest of your life.  

“If I’m Mentally Tough, Why Aren’t I Rich?”

This is a question I get every day, and its valid. In the age of massive disruption,  the opportunity to amass a fortune is greater than ever…as long as you build a business that’s moving toward the future instead of one thats mired in the past and present. Tomorrows self-made millionaires must be more calculated and strategic. Watch this short video and I’ll look forward to your comments.