Mental Toughness and NonLinear Thinking

While all of us were trained in school to think in logical, linear terms, we all know nonlinear thinking is the real secret to complex problem solving. The wealthy use it to get richer; politicians use it to get elected, and world-class thinkers use it to get what they want. Training your mind to create nonlinear solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems is one of the most challenging aspects of the mental toughness process. It’s also one of the most valuable and profitable. This single skill made a multimillionaire at a fairly young age, and it’s something anyone can learn. Watch this

Siebold’s European Speaking Tour

On a recent speaking tour in Europe, I was interviewed on the BBC five times in one week. Some of my comments regarding Prime Minister Gordon Brown ended up on the front page of the Daily Mirror Newspaper. The British press was wild, but fair. This short video post, taped outside the All England Tennis Club in London, is about identifying your world-class dream. Please share your world-class dream with the Mental Toughness Blog Community after you watch this post.   Steve Siebold [media id=19]

Death Threats: Logic vs. Emotion

Thanks to everyone who commented on the Obama-Care Disaster post, especially to Mike Michelozzi and Jane Barr, who really dug into this post with their opinions and ideas. Five major newspapers called me for interviews within 14 hours of this post, and I appreciate the Canadian and U.S. press for their continued support of this blog. Just hours after President Obama signed the health care bill into Law, several congressman have received death threats. These events occur when people allow their emotions to cloud their judgment. Mentally tough performers use emotion to create passion, but never allow their passion, no matter

Obama-Care Disaster

President Obama has once again used his considerable verbal skill to persuade democrats to vote for government controlled healthcare. Not only did he ignore the entire republican party, he ignored 55% of the American people who hate this bill. America can’t afford to pay for this, and the President has effectively saddled future generations with trillions of dollars of debt they won’t ever be able to pay back. In the worst economy of our lifetime, the President and his democratic co-horts are spending insane amounts of money we don’t have. And the republicans are not without blame. They had eight years

Greed is Good

You probably remember this famous line delivered by fictional character Gordon Gekko in the hit movie Wall Street, played by the always amazing Michael Douglas. Greed has always taken a bad rap, but the the truth is, greed really IS good. Greed is responsible for every major innovation and advancement in human history. Greed is simply excessive desire to get what you want; and it’s greed that built America and every other great nation. I’m sick and tired of listening to big mouth pundits on TV and radio talking about how noble and charitable the American founding fathers were. Are we

Politicians Holiday?

People hate politicians, but critical thinking and objective reality says they’re important people doing a thankless job. Whether you’re a democrat or republican; conservative or liberal, we all owe politicians a debt of gratitude for their patriotism and dedication. While the masses and media will continue to criticize and attact politicians 24/7, world-class thinkers should rise above this fear based bullying and recognize these important public servants. I propose an international holiday, beginning in the United States and hopefully spreading throughout the world, to celebrate and pay tribute to politicians of every party and philosophy. Please listen to this 6-minute audio

$300 Million Dollar Advice

The best advice I ever got in business came from a man who built a $300 million dollar empire. I was shocked and stunned when he hammered me with this dose of objective reality. I was also broke. This is a message you won’t hear much about in the positive thinking, personal development community. That’s too bad, because it’s pure gold. This is mental toughness and critical thinking at its best. It’s a tough message to hear, and it may make all the difference in how high you rise. It literally changed my life. Listen to this post, and as always,

Steve Siebold on the Today Show

This interview on the Today generated three death threats. The show was bombarded with email after my appearance. 50% of the people loved my message, and the other half wanted to kill me!  Thank God for mental toughness! After completing an international media tour for my book, Die Fat or Get Tough, 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People, I’m even more concerned about the obesity epidemic. With the combination of television, radio, magazine and print interviews, we were able to reach approximately 30 million people in the last 6 months. I’ve received thousands of emails. The level

My Response to Robert Kiyosaki’s USA Today Editorial

Like most speakers and authors, I read a lot. But in the last few months I haven’t read much in the news that makes sense when it comes to rebuilding the educational infrastructure of America…until today. Robert Kiyosaki’s USA Today editorial in the forum section (2/9/10) is not only brilliant; it’s also practical. America needs more ideas (based on critical thinking) like this, and I’m not surprised it came from an entrepreneur. Listen to this post, and let us know what YOU think. Steve Siebold

Politics, Sex and Religion: Why the Masses Attack

Have you ever wondered why these subjects are off limits in mixed company? Research shows it’s not what most people think. It’s actually all about mental toughness; or lack thereof. The higher level of consciousness a person is operating at, the more open minded they are to opposing thoughts and ideas. The lower levels of consciousness are rooted so deeply in fear that people operating at these levels (90% of the population) are not only offended by opposing views on these and other major life issues; they will viciously attack anyone who has the courage to voice them. Human beings attempt