Are You a Comeback Artist?

]In the last 24-months some of the smartest people on the planet have taken massive financial losses. Even multinational corporations have been shocked and stunned by the depth of this international recession. The good news is things are getting better every day. All of us are smarter and tougher than we were two years ago, and we’re going to leverage what we learned to be bigger and better than ever. My critical thinking question for you in this video post is: are you a comeback artist, or are you buying into the middle-class idea that the world will never be the

End of Optimism in America?

Mort Zuckerman, the editor of U.S. News and World Report, wrote an article recently in the Wall Street Journal, entitled, The End Of Optimism in America. I received several calls from the press asking for a comment on the article, and have given my response on numerous radio and TV shows. I like Mort Zuckerman. He’s a smart guy. This time he’s wrong. I’m proud to be an American, but I’ll refrain from beating my chest too much on this one because I think the question extends far beyond our shores. There are so many great countries in the world struggling in

Are You Willing To Fight?

I was giving a speech a few days ago in New York, and someone in the audience asked me what mental toughness was really about. I responded with, “It’s about getting what you want.”  And that’s what makes it so valuable. Maybe you want to be the best mom or dad in the world. Maybe you want to have lots of friends. Maybe you want to be a millionaire. We all want something, and mental toughness is the fastest way to get it, because it separates you from the pack. Most people never even decide what they want, so they half-heartedly

What’s Your Excuse?

I just spoke at the convention for Deaf business owners, and I kept asking myself the same critical thinking question: What’s my excuse? These people are deaf and they’re building empires! These amazing people define what mental toughness is all about, and I think we can all learn from them. Watch this short video and see what you think. I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold [media id=34 width=422 height=240]

Mental Toughness on Alcatraz

I took a short break from my 5-city speaking tour to visit Alcatraz Island, the famous prison in San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz closed in 1963, but I was able to interview one of the last surviving inmates of the prison, who just happened to be there promoting his book. No kidding. Talk about about a tough guy! He was at least 80 years old, but still spoke like a gangster in an Al Capone movie. He talked about how the inmates would look out from the prison across bay and see the bright lights and big city of San Francisco. They

Mental Toughness and Emotion

Passionate people are among the most powerful on earth. They are great salespeople, entrepreneurs and philanthropists. But the truth is most people don’t know how to separate logic from emotion, or how to use each to their benefit. The result is left brain, logic-based thinkers tend to minimize the power of emotion; while right brain, emotion-based thinkers tend to overuse emotion and blend it into every decision they make. Both personality types are one-sided and relegated to middle-class thinking and decision making. I’ve spent the last 14 years teaching Fortune 500 sales teams how to use emotion for motivation and logic

Building a World-Class Belief System

My research has led me to the conclude that the foundation of world-class success is a world-class belief system. Very few people have been exposed to world-class beliefs, but in this 5-minute segment of my national television show, Mental Toughness with Steve Siebold, I discuss the beliefs I uncovered over a 26-year period interviewing some of the world’s most successful people. I also talk about how to teach these beliefs to your kids.  Steve Siebold  ( 4:57 ) [media id=31]

Mental Toughness Champion or Cold Blooded Killer?

Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted over 130 people terminally ill patients in ending their lives, and served 8 years in prison as his compensation. “Dr. Death” as some people call him, got of of prison in 2007 and is the subject of a new HBO movie called; You Don’t Know Jack, starring Al Pacino. This is a movie every critical thinker should see, because it raises a fundamental question: “Do we have the right to end of own lives?” The U.S. government says no. Watch this short post and see what you think. I’ll look forward to your comments and another spirited

U.S. Government Mentally Tough?

The hallmark of mental toughness is personal responsibility. Part of which is fiscal responsibility. So is the U.S. Government practicing this? Watch this post for some potential critical thinking solutions to America’s biggest problems and see what you think. After watching, join in on the discussion by giving us YOUR opinion on these ideas as well as offering ideas of your own. Our collective critical thinking brainpower represents unlimited potential. I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold [media id=25 width=432 height=240]