If you can imagine making a living teaching Mental Toughness to corporate sales teams, this opportunity may be for you. Watch this short video and if you’re interested view the 30-minute Webinar at this address: www.steveontv.com/apprentice/   The deadline to apply is February 7, 2014.

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Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.

3 thoughts on “Wanted: Mental Toughness Apprentice”

  1. From the first 2 free speaking course classes I have thought how great it would be to work for you. I want to read your book Die Fat Get tough because I need to lose some weight and then speak on how great your book is. The funny thing is I haven’t read your book yet but I know it will do me so well, not just for the losing weight but for everything thing in my life. I believe this book will be a super confidence booster. I ask myself, how can I lose weight? well I need to believe in myself, I need to take control of my life, I’ve got to stop the pity party and GET TOUGH!!!! Sounds like a winner to me.

    Thank you!
    Michell Schrattenholzer

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