The most successful people in society fail far more than they succeed. They are comeback artists. You can kick them, beat them, laugh at them and insult them…and they just keep coming back until they succeed. Are you one of them? Watch this short video (1:28) I shot in Las Vegas and I’ll look forward to your comments.
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Thanks Steve. I needed that so I can stop wallowing in self pity and get on with bigger and better things. You are the best! Many thanks for all the things you’ve made available.Thanks to you too Joe for the thought of crushing “those who think you have to get everything right the first time.”
Depends on whether you define your “failure” as a “failure”.
Only those who give up have truly failed.
Tolerance for failure (from the press, public, and Wall Street) has gone down during the economic slump, so instead of groundbreaking innovations we are seeing meager product enhancements.
Even Apple seems comfortable managing their margins instead of leading.
It’s up to us to press on, fail forward, and crush those who think you have to get everything right the first time.
I totally believe I’m a comeback artist. Over the past 5 years , I’ve had deal with
tremendous challenges both personally and professionally but I continue to focus on moving forward. I’ve lost my beautiful wife, then lost my own health and almost my life to diabetes then became an amputee unable to walk but I’m fighting back to heal and become whole and walk again. In business, have not been successful
online but I’ve learned a lot and believe in 2013 I’m going to put it all together
and succeed.
Funny you should ask! I had my share of down-turns, but that does not mean I stopped trying. Each one was a learning experience. I just wished more people would realize that every challenge brings with it a seed of knowledge…
its simply, “Never Ever Give UP”….call it what you want….but fail 7 times, get up 8!
if your equation is….
“get up” > “fail”
….then you are a comeback artist.
The comeback idea is absolutely critical to success. As researcher Carol Dweck notes, the “fixed mindset” equates failing with being a failure. The growth mindset focuses on the next step forward and getting better. This concept comes up in nearly every one of my coaching sessions. I have created a poster of Steve’s mantra, “I cannot fail. I can only learn and grow”, which I regularly give to my clients.
Both Susan and I have faced great adversity in our life. We have failed big in life but we have managed to stick together no matter what happens. We’ve always come out of the failure bigger, better, and stronger. We honestly feel that we can accomplish anything we set our mind to achieve.
Both Susan and I have faced great adversity in our life. We have failed big in life but we have managed to stick together no matter what happens. We’ve always come out of the failure bigger, better, and stronger. We honestly feel that we can accomplish anything we set our m
Both Susan and I have faced great adversity in our life. We have failed big in life but we have managed to stick together no matter what happens. We’ve always come out of the failure bigger, better, and stronger. We honestly feel that we can accom
Oh, yes, come-back artists are many – hopefully they do not give up just before they reach the moment of success!!!! Rationalization can impact our commitments but I have found that near the end (which is REALLY the beginning) we can achieve so very much by realizing small steps become extended because our seeking what we first wanted to achieve we can finally see our goal lurking just ahead.
Anyone who has been introduced to the most fundamental “principles of success” can easily see the common thread of persistence and the will to prevail.
Success comes to some quickly, others slower, most not at all, that is because they quit. As one of my teachers likes to say…that’s what quitters do..they quit !
To some, there’s a fire of defiance in the spirit. I think it is greatness that knows nothing other than its own destiny. A spirit that is unable to consider anything other than the victory, as long as it is possible, and impossible is…..” not possible”. These are the intrepid souls who dare to come back over and over and over again. Count me among them ! Blessings.