My Years with Ayn Rand

If you’re a fan of Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, or Atlas Shrugged, you absolutely MUST read My Years with Ayn Rand, by Dr. Nathanial Branden. Dr. Branden was the protege of Ayn Rand, who many people believe was one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century. The Passion of Ayn Rand was made into a Hollywood movie about 10 years ago starring Helen Mirren. The movie focused primarily around the love affair between Ms. Rand and her protege, which is typical Hollywood, but this book takes you behind the scenes of this brilliant thinker and shows you the upside and

James Arthur Ray and the Personal Development Industry

I’m so sorry for the loss of life and sickness that occurred at James Ray’s Spiritual Warrior Program in Sedona a few weeks ago. Before this tragedy, I’d never even heard of a sweat lodge. In the weeks following this event, James Ray has been demonized all over the media. I don’t know what happened in Sedona or who, if anyone, was responsible, but I did want to say a few things about James Ray. People are saying he’s greedy, arrogant and only in the business for the money. They’re calling him everything in the book. They’re lambasting him for living

5 Reasons You Need To Be Rich

I’ve just signed an international book deal with the largest wholesaler of books in the world to place all of my products in bookstores around the globe; including my 2010 release, How Rich People Think: 101 Differences in Thinking Between the Middle class and World class. This book is going to cause more controversy than the Die Fat or Get Tough Book! I’m already getting questions from the press about the content. The bottom line is THINKING is the foundation of every great (self-made) fortune. It all starts with how you THINK about money. Most people have so many limiting beliefs

Steve Siebold’s USA TODAY Editorial Rebuttal: Should Ministers Be Doling Out Marriage Advice?

I just submitted my 250 word rebuttal to an editorial written about what God wants us to do in our marriages. Two ministers from different churches advising people on God’s wishes. I’d like to know where they’re getting their information. It’s not from the Bible. The good book was even written long before the institution of marriage was created. No, I’m afraid this is the work of man-made religion and has nothing to do with God. Before you start throwing rocks at me I ask that you listen to this post. I’m not slamming God. I’m a person of faith and

Outrage over Obama’s Back to School Speech Defies Critical Thinking

Like many American’s, I’m infuriated over President Obama’s fiscal agenda. I think this guy is a socialist. I also think he’s one of the smartest people in Washington. Thousands of people around the country kept their kids out of school yesterday because President Obama was delivering a motivational speech to schools across the country via the internet. I read the speech, and it was brilliantly written. It had nothing to do with healthcare reform or anything  on the administrations agenda. It was a motivating, inspiring speech to help kids, period. Every school kid should have heard that speech, but they didn’t

Good Morning America interviews Steve Siebold

I just returned from being interviewed on Good Morning America in New York City, and i was really impressed with what a great job they did. Of all the TV interviews I’ve  done on Mental Toughness, I like this one the best. They just posted the interview on the ABC NEWS website at I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold

Mental Toughness/Critical Thinking Question: Is it really possible to live an Unrestricted Existence?

In Ayn Rand’s famous novel ” The Fountainhead” she talks about living what she calls an “unrestricted existence”. I read this years ago and it became the centerpiece of my life’s vision. Imagine doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want,  for as long as you want, without having to answer to anyone unless you choose to. The mental toughness/critical thinking question is, is this a realistic goal? My position is that mental toughness makes it possible. By studying the thought processes, habit’s and philosophies of the great ones and copying them, I think this is a completely