Mental Toughness Training from the CEO of KPMG

Eugene O’Kelly was one of the great ones in the Fortune 500. He was a visionary who achieved the American dream of massive success, great fortune, and a beautiful family. Life couldn’t have been more perfect. Then on May 24, 2005, he went to his doctor who told him he had 3 months to live. His lifetime of plans dwindled down to 100 days, leaving him just enough time to say goodbye. During those last 100 days of Eugene O’Kelly’s life, he wrote a book about how he managed his death the way any great CEO would. This is one of

Why I Love Randy Gage

A big part of what mental toughness is all about is critical thinking, which by it’s very definition requires looking at the positive, negative and neutral aspects of anything to reach an intelligent conclusion. In the personal development world, most speakers and authors are deathly afraid of talking about anything that might be perceived as negativity. It’s much easier (and politically safer) to stick to “Positive Thinking.” While I’m all for looking for the good in everything, it’s not very effective when you encounter a rattlesnake or a guy with a gun. Lets get real: Life is not as simple as the positive

Mental Toughness Training for Parents with Kids in Sports

If you have kids in competive sports, you have a wonderful opportunity to help them learn some of the greatest lessons in living before they venture out into the world on their own. Unfortunately, there’s a misguided philosophy being perpetuated by some parents and coaches that over emphasizes the importance of winning. Remember that the chances of a child ever making a dollar as an athlete is slim to none. Instead of falling into the well-meaning but overzealous parent trap, your job is to reduce the pressure your child feels in the sport and focus on all the positive lessons of

Barack Obama Gets Blasted For Telling The Truth About Middle Class Thinkers…Another Lesson In Mental Toughness

Barack Obama, a young man raised by a single parent who rose up to become a United States Senator and Presedential hopeful. Politics aside, you have to admit this guy is impressive. This week he’s being blasted in the media for telling the truth about the bitter mindset of middle class thinkers. Obama’s being called an ‘elitest’ because the masses are afraid of the truth. I can imagine the closed door conversations among Washington insiders about this one. It’s one of those things ever thinking person knows is true, but you can’t say when you’re running for President. Obama’s only mistake

The Power of a Mental Toughness Mentor Team and The Bill Gove/Steve Siebold Story

The only thing standing between you and your ultimate vision is the help and support of enough powerful people. Middle class thinkers believe in the self made man/woman theory. World class thinkers believe in learning from mentors. Mental toughness is about critical thinking and being smart. Consider building a mentor team of powerful people who can make your dream come true. 12 years ago I had a dream to take my mental toughness message to the world as a professional speaker, but I didn’t have a clue how to do it. A chance meeting with a great mentor led to a team of

Mental Toughness Role Model: Paris Hilton

Associated Press reported today that Paris Hilton say’s she’s a role model to young girls and women everywhere. She claims to be a self made woman who built her own empire. This is yet another example of self-delusion rooted in middle-class thinking. Hilton is an intelligent woman with the best (formal) eduation a billioniare can buy, yet she honestly believes she’s a self made role model. I’m not sure if it’s the time she did in prison or the sex tape that pushed her over the edge, but this is a case study in delusional thinking. The cornerstone of mental toughness

Coaching Mental Toughness with Colleagues, Co-Workers and Kids

One of the most common questions I get as a professional speaker is; ‘How do you coach   mental toughness?’ Two years ago I decided to reveal the mental toughness coaching system I’ve sold to many of the biggest companies in the world. Other Mental toughness coaches are calling me crazy for putting this process on paper, but I consider it my contribution to a field of study thats been very good to me. The book is called, Coaching 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, by Steve Siebold. I know what you’re thinking, “what a creative title!” I know, I know. But the reason we

The Conspiracy Theory of the World Class

I was being interviewed on the radio recently about my book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, (which has now sold over the 100,000 copies) and the D.J. asked me a great question: He said: “In 24 years of  interviews with world class performers, what have you indentified as their “overriding, umbrella world-class belief?” It’s a great question I hear often at Mental Toughness University and Mental Toughness College. I call it “The Conspiracy Theory”. This is one of the most important beliefs anyone can develop. I’ll look forward to your comments.  Steve Siebold ( 4:39 )

How Ego Driven leaders in the Church, Washington, Wall Street and the Media Control and Manipulate the Masses

I just returned from another speaking tour around the country talking to audiences full of Fortune 500 sales teams during the day, while following the fear driven media coverage of the last 2 weeks events at night. I need mental toughness just to watch it! It seems that the ego driven upper class leaders are up to their favorite trick: attempting to manipulate the thinking of the masses through the use of their favorite weapon: FEAR. Whether it’s the church giving us 7 more deadly sins that will send us straight to hell or the barons of Wall Street driving the big board up

The Mental Toughness Lesson Steve Siebold learned from Millioniares

Parade Magazine ran a story last week called ‘What I did with my first Million’. Several movie stars were interviewed about what they bought with their first taste of big money. What I (Steve Siebold) learned from 24 years of interviewing world class performers is the heart of why it’s so important for all of us to make a million, but it has nothing to do with how you spend it. This is one of the most signifcant mental toughess lessons I ever learned about the mind/money connection. (as my friend Bob Proctor calls it)