Mentally Tough Attitude?

Do you have a mentally tough, world-class attitude, or do you allow your mind to shift on the emotions of the moment? Attitude is a simple yet powerful force. It can be our greatest asset or worst enemy. It’s a choice we make moment-to-moment, and it requires self-discipline to maintain an attitude that serves our best interests. Watch this short video (3-minutes) and I’ll look forward to your comments.

Lighten Up, Francis!

I’m in final rehearsals for upcoming 8-city Mental Toughness speech and media tour, and one of the questions I get the most is around reducing stress. On this tour, I’ll be closing all of my speeches with a story about a client we had years ago on Wall Street. Watch this short (3-minute) video I shot in the studio at Bona Allen Mansion earlier today, and look for me on morning TV shows in Cincinnati (March 19) Indianapolis (March 20) Springfield, Illinois (March 21) Chicago (March 22) St. Louis (March 23) West Palm Beach (April 5) Orlando (April 6) Tampa (April

Are You Playing Not To Lose?

I received a terrible phone call from an old college friend last week. The news was devastating, and it kept me up all night. He only has a few months left to live, and he called to say goodbye. It broke my heart and made me take immediate inventory of my life. And then I thought about the plight of the average person living in 2018. The statistics tell the story: most people spend their lives playing not lose. They take the conservative path and make safe decisions. They live within their comfort zone and rarely venture beyond. And when the grim

Mental Toughness Millions

People ask me every day: how did you make your money with Mental Toughness Training? The answer is for the past 20 years we’ve been selling million dollar contracts to billion dollar companies. The secret weapon of our success has been the strength of our referral network, both organic and inorganic. We have hundreds of referral partners around the world that work with us for handsome commissions. Once or twice a year we open the opportunity to join us. If you’re interested, watch this short video (3 minutes) I taped in my office at the Mansion, and if you like what

Secret Strategy of Champions

One of the most closely guarded secrets of world-class performers is the strategy of focusing their efforts on high-value activities and targets. While middle-class performers are multi-tasking, champions are laser-focused on doing things that create the big payoffs. Watch this short video I taped yesterday at FOX 57 News in Columbia, South Carolina, where I was being interviewed for my new book, Secrets Self- Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids.