The Entrepreneurs Armour

I was trying to help an old college friend today. I hadn’t heard from him in 20-years. He called this morning and explained that he needed an additional $3 million to retire at age 65, which for him is in 2028. In this 8-minute video, I gave him the best advice I received about making money from the 1,300 millionaires I’ve interviewed since 1984. This is the same psychological technique I’ve used to succeed in the face of 30-years of failures, obstacles, and bad decisions. This Entrepreneurs Armour will withstand the ongoing emotional assault every high achiever is forced to face.

How Mental Toughness Works

A few years ago I got a call from TIME Magazine. The reporter said; “were doing a story on you, and I want to know how you make people mentally tough in your speeches and seminars?” I was shocked. After all, this was TIME magazine, and I expected a better question from such a credible source. I’ve shared my response to this reporter with audiences around the world in my live events, and today I decided to share it with you via video. If you’re a coach, parent or mentor of any kind, you’re going to want to watch this short

Living Your Way

One of the things that drives me nuts about personal development gurus; religious leaders, life coaches, psychologists and other advice-based experts is when they tell you how your should live your life. Its as if they possess information that you don’t; or that they are more intelligent in some way. I saw one the other day where some guy is conducting a course on how to me a real man. Seriously? The audacity of some of these people is only exceeded my the size of their own egos. Watch this short (2:47) video about living on your terms and being happy.

1300 Self-Made Millionaires

Today I interviewed my 1300th self-made millionaire since 1984. His name is Deron Ferrell, and he’s one of the good guys. In 34 years of conducting these interviews, I’ve seen all kinds of personalities. I’ve seen people go from rags to riches; millionaires lose all of their money, and humble people turn into ego maniacs. Watch this short video as I reflect on the one key ingredient of the best of self-made millionaires and other successful people.

Mentally Tough Attitude?

Do you have a mentally tough, world-class attitude, or do you allow your mind to shift on the emotions of the moment? Attitude is a simple yet powerful force. It can be our greatest asset or worst enemy. It’s a choice we make moment-to-moment, and it requires self-discipline to maintain an attitude that serves our best interests. Watch this short video (3-minutes) and I’ll look forward to your comments.

Mental Toughness Millions

People ask me every day: how did you make your money with Mental Toughness Training? The answer is for the past 20 years we’ve been selling million dollar contracts to billion dollar companies. The secret weapon of our success has been the strength of our referral network, both organic and inorganic. We have hundreds of referral partners around the world that work with us for handsome commissions. Once or twice a year we open the opportunity to join us. If you’re interested, watch this short video (3 minutes) I taped in my office at the Mansion, and if you like what