A big part of what mental toughness is all about is critical thinking, which by it’s very definition requires looking at the positive, negative and neutral aspects of anything to reach an intelligent conclusion. In the personal development world, most speakers and authors are deathly afraid of talking about anything that might be perceived as negativity. It’s much easier (and politically safer) to stick to “Positive Thinking.” While I’m all for looking for the good in everything, it’s not very effective when you encounter a rattlesnake or a guy with a gun. Lets get real: Life is not as simple as the positive thinking purists would like us to believe. One of the reasons mental toughness training and critical thinking are gaining popularity with Fortune 500 companies is it’s willingness to ‘get real’ about what it REALLY takes to become a world class thinker and performer in a rapidly changing business environment that’s becoming more complex every year. Positive thinking might have been all you needed to succeed in the 1970’s-90’s, but this is 2008, and it’s no longer enough. As an author, speaker and researcher in this field for over 20 years, I can say with some authority that there are very few critical thinkers who have the guts to write and speak about this. It’s much safer to say ” Just have a good attitude and you’ll be successful” Or…”Just think about what you want and the universe will magically make it appear.” Business people in the 21st century are too sophisticated and educated to buy into the idea that world class success is that easy. The good news is there are a few people with the guts to tell it like it is…no matter how much heat they get. My friend Randy Gage is one of those people. He is one of the most controversial authors and speakers in the world today, and he’s also one of the brightest. I don’t agree with everything Randy say’s, but I respect him because I know HE believes it and he’s not afraid to write and speak about it. I love Randy Gage because he’s got the guts to tell it the way he sees it. Like I always tell my corporate audiences and mental toughness university students: you don’t have to drink the kool aid, but at least consider the kool aid because it has a track record. I encourage you to check out the writing and philosophy of Randy Gage, and I’ll look forward to your comments. www.randygage.com Steve Siebold, CSP, CPCS ( 5:58 )
Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.
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Many thinkers – students of thought and ideas – have challenged my thinking the first radical challenger being J. Krishnamurti presented to me in the book “You Are The World” twenty-five years ago. Since then I’ve read many of his thoughts and listened to him talk. Randy Gage is in that tradition yet J. Krishnamurti is one of the most radical of those who challenges our thinking. Many others you’ve quoted and mentioned contemporary to us are also in that same tradition which of course goes back to Socrates.
AND you are in that tradition doing the same thing in your way which is why I visit your blog and have read your writing and listened to you on YouTube, Steve. What you learned about world class thinking leading to world class performance presented in all the details and depth of your conclusions and observations is what first attracted me to you and still captivated my imagination and motivation.
Mike Michelozzi