I just returned from San Diego, where I videotaped two programs with my friend and mentor, Brian Tracy. Brian is one of the greatest critical thinkers I’ve ever known, and his books, seminars, and audio/video programs have helped millions of people around the world. I started studying his philosophies in 1984, and I’ve never stopped. He has dozens of his audio albums displayed in the foyer of his office, and he laughed when I told him I owned all of them. I wasn’t kidding. I’ve studied this mans work like a scientist, and the impact it’s made on my life is incredible. Watch this short video post and
then visit www.briantracy.com Steve Siebold

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Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.

7 thoughts on “Brian Tracy: Critical Thinker”

  1. Steve,

    Good post. Brian Tracy is a national treasure. The legacy he has impacted millions.

    Glad to see he’s had a great influence on you too.


  2. Brian Tracy is a master at presenting great even complex ideas for personal growth and success in easy to understand steps and formulas that just make sense. You and Brian have much in common, Steve.

    His rise out of high school into the world is a fantastic story.


  3. Hi Steve:
    I cannot get enough positive reinforcement, especially in todays world! In listening to Brian Tracy, reading Stephen Covey and your 177 Mental Toughness Secrets I continually refine what influences I allow into my world. Thanks for keeping those willing to listen heading in the right direction! All the best,

  4. One good idea that Brian Tracy has (also in Buddhism) is to simplify your life. Clear up your outer and inner world.

  5. Thanks Steve. I haven’t come across Brian before (well outside of your mentions in 177 secrets – and there are a lot of book mentions to get through ;-))

  6. Hi Steve,
    I sometimes wonder how my life would look were it not for people like you and Brian Tracy. We all get overwhelmed at times in the way life just is. However, when we decide to shift our focus on solutions and break things down one step at a time, we begin to develop that mental toughness that gives us the thrill of being a victor and not a victim.
    I want to thank you and let you know that I’ve come a long way since I first met you seven years ago. Keep doing what you’re doing, Steve. Your teachings are right on and essential to live the fullest life possible. i’m living proof.

    Best always,

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