Do You Think Like a Millionaire?

I started interviewing millionaires in 1984. For the last 26-years, I’ve chased them from Palm Beach to Aspen, and their advice changed my life. My new book, How Rich People Think, came out yesterday, and is already creating a stir in the national media. Yesterday I was interviewed on FOX in Orlando, NBC in Tampa, and today I’m on CBS in Chicago. If you ever dreamed of being rich, PLEASE study this book. It’s 200+ pages of pure content. There are no stories. This is a study guide on the differences in thinking between the middle class and world class, and

Why Your First Million is the Toughest

The first million is the hardest to make, but not for the reason most people think. Most people say it’s because it takes money to make money, and once you have a million, you can use it to make the next million. While this is technically true, it’s not the reason most millionaires cite. After interviewing millionaires for 26 years, most say the first million is the hardest because you have to believe you can do it before you have any proof or experience. Not to mention the fact that many people in your inner circle will laugh and ridicule you

10 Most Powerful Beliefs

In 26 years of research, I’ve found these 10 beliefs to be the most powerful. This segment of my national TV show, Mental Toughness with Steve Siebold, was one of the most popular I ever filmed. People all over the world wrote to me saying how excited they were to start programming these beliefs into their consciousness. After you watch this 4:58 segment, you’ll know why. [media id=40]

Sales Superstar Reveals Secrets

For 26 years I’ve been interviewing some of the greatest performers in the world of business. Today I’m interviewing a 24-year old sales superstar who earned a 6-figure income his first year after graduating from college, in the middle of a recession! Watch this short video as Elliot Saltzman of St. Paul, Minnesota talks about the mental toughness it takes to earn a 6-figure income going door to door selling roofs. [media id=39 width=432 height=250]

Get Rich with a Hot Body

At speeches and book signings, I’m often asked if a person’s level of physical fitness has an impact on their level of thinking? Of course the answer is yes, and much more than most people might believe. Getting fit is a non-linear wealth building strategy. After interviewing fit people for 6 years in preparation for my 2009 best-selling book, Die Fat or Get Tough, one of the most common things among them was their belief that their physical fitness had a massive impact on their business success. Many of these people were self-made millionaires who used theĀ  discipline they developed in

Bob Proctor’s Crazy Advice

Back in 1996, I got a late night phone call from Bob Proctor, the professional speaking legend and co-star of the hit movie, The Secret. This was the single craziest phone call I had ever had, and it turned out to be one of the most important. Bob’s advice was so outrageous it almost seemed funny. I followed it out of respect for Bob, not knowing it would catapult my consciousness and forever alter the way I approached my career. Watch this short video from my TV show, Mental Toughness with Steve Siebold, as I share this story. I hope it

Million-Dollar Strategy

Of all the mental toughness strategies I’ve learned and taught over the past 26 years, this is one of my all-time favorites. The millionaires I’ve interviewed all agree on one thing: world-class success requires world-class focus, to the point where your goal becomes a healthy obsession you think about 24/7. This post is a personal example of how my wife and I used a classic mental toughness strategy to make a dream come true. We’ve used this strategy to generate millions of dollars over the past few years, and I have to admit that I’m still in awe of the idea

What’s Your Excuse?

I just spoke at the convention for Deaf business owners, and I kept asking myself the same critical thinking question: What’s my excuse? These people are deaf and they’re building empires! These amazing people define what mental toughness is all about, and I think we can all learn from them. Watch this short video and see what you think. I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold [media id=34 width=422 height=240]