Secret Strategy of Champions

One of the most closely guarded secrets of world-class performers is the strategy of focusing their efforts on high-value activities and targets. While middle-class performers are multi-tasking, champions are laser-focused on doing things that create the big payoffs. Watch this short video I taped yesterday at FOX 57 News in Columbia, South Carolina, where I was being interviewed for my new book, Secrets Self- Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids. 

NCAA’s College Football Slavery Scam

The NCAA needs to step up and start paying college football players for the entertainment they provide to millions of people. The coaches of best teams earn millions while the players get a college education you can purchase online for the price of a new car. Its time for this 21st century form of slavery to end. That’s my take, and I’d like to hear yours. Watch this short 2-minute video and sound off in the comments section.

Are Your Kids Mentally Tough?

Are your kids mentally tough? Are they mentally tough enough to build a financial fortune one day? My new book, Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach Their Children is now on pre-sale. After you comment on the blog video, visit and watch the video there. ( only if you kids) It could literally alter the course of their lives.

Are You REALLY Fighting For Your Dream?

Mental Toughness is about getting what you want out of life. No limits, no excuses, no prisoners. Statistics show that most people are more interested in box scores, video games and Hollywood gossip than they are in achieving their dreams. How about you? Watch this short video I taped at our new Siebold Success Network HQ, The Bona Allen Mansion outside of Atlanta, and do some self analysis on your own efforts and behaviors as they relate to manifesting your dreams. Steve Siebold

Wanted: Mental Toughness Speakers

People approach me all the time and say: “you have it made, Siebold. You get paid to give speeches, appear on TV, radio, in magazines and newspapers around the world. What a life!” And the truth is, they’re right! But the fact is that I didn’t make it because I’m smart. I made it because I had a mentor. A world-class mentor. Most successful speakers had mentors, and chances are if you’re going to make it big in this business, you’ll need a mentor, too. If you can see yourself speaking, writing and being interviewed on Mental Toughness, I want to

Kill Stress: You’re Going to Be Dead Soon

Mental Toughness Training begins with seeing life and the world around us as they are, not as we wish they were. How many of us get stressed out on a daily basis without considering the fact that the very nature of life is temporary? It’s easy to get caught up, frustrated and overwhelmed with problems and people that raise our blood pressure. By facing the fact that life is short and it will end relatively soon, it allows us the freedom to let things go that used to stress us out. Watch this short video I shot on this subject and