Mental Toughness Podcast Episode # 1

If you’re an entrepreneur, athlete, salesperson or any other performer seeking better results, this podcast is for you. Taped in our podcast studio in the mainhouse of the historic Bona Allen Mansion, this weekly podcast delves into the details of psychological performance and how to use it as a competitive advantage. If you’d like to learn more about mental toughness, visit #mentaltoughness #personaldevelopment

Mental Toughness and Emotional Motivation

What motivates people to sell? Beyond money, what’s their primary driver? This is the secret sauce of entrepreneurs and sales professionals. Watch this Mental Toughness Minute and tap your emotional motivators to move to the next level. And if you’d like to learn more about mental toughness, visit #mentaltoughness #personaldevelopment

The Power of Empathy

As a lifetime seeker of all-things success, I’ve lived most of my life worshipping at the alter of the world’s greatest performers. I’ve written 12 books that focus on the subject of success or heavily allude to it. Now, after 30 years of chasing my dreams, combined with a 5-week, nearly fatal batttle with Covid-19, I’m reevaluating my philosophy. The word that strikes me hardest is empathy, and if I have exhibited it enough over the course of my life. I used to think so. Now I’m not so sure. Empathy is a life-changing behavior. Watch this video and see if

Mental Toughness for Entrepreneurs

My Mental Toughness Message to Struggling Entrepreneurs. After 35 years as an entrepreneur, I’ve learned some lessons, especially when it comes to mental toughness. It’s easy when you’re winning. It’s easy when the money is flowing like water. I’ve been there, and it’s a wonderful experience. But looking back at building businesses in 10 countries around the world over 35 years, it’s the failures I think about most. For as painful as they are, they are also what makes you mentally tough. There’s no way around it. If you’re an entrepreneur, watch this video. Especially if your in the thick of

Mental Toughness Secrets of Champions

This is a clip from my award-winning television show that aired on The Success Training Network in 2007-2008. The shows were all taped in a television studio in Dallas, Texas. The show, called Mental Toughness Secrets of Champions, won the 2007 Telly Award for best motivational show. This show proves my thesis that we’re all born with world-class mental toughness, it’s simply a matter of taping into it. Watch this episode as I make my case. #mentaltoughness #personaldevelopment #publicspeaking

Mental Toughness Miracle at Johnson & Johnson

I was speaking in Phoenix at Johnson & Johnson’s National Convention, and after I walked off stage I was approached by a Regional Business Director that was in the audience. He was a successful, tenured leader frustrated with his results. He explained that he thought he was a better leader than his team’s results indicated, and he wondered whether or not mental toughness training might be the missing link. It was a casual conversation that lead to a year’s long project now referred to as ‘The Mental Toughness Miracle’. Watch this video for the rest of the story. #mentaltoughness #personaldevelopment

The Invisible Skill of Champions

This skill is the one constant of every champion, whether in sports, business or life in general. It’s not cool, flashy or sexy, but if you want to win, it’s a must-have. They don’t teach it in school, and it’s rarely discussed at cocktail parties. I’ve seen it up close in sports at highest level, and I’ve seen it in 39 years of interviews with self-made millionaires. The good news is there’s a secret to developing it, and I share it on this video. You’ll never guess what it is, but once you embrace and develop it, your results will soar.

How We Increased Sales by $1.3 Billion

The most popular question I get from senior executives of Fortune 500 companies is how did we increase sales by $1.3 billion, and execute 23 years of successful turnarounds with sales teams. The answer is a training system we created called “The Mental Toughness Process”. Many executives refer to it as “sports psychology on steriods.” Our competitors have tried to figure it out for years, and today, I’m revealing it on this video. If you have a sales team of any kind, you’ll want to see this.. #mentaltoughness #personaldevelopment #publicspeaking #criticalthinking