The Problem with Personal Development

I’ve been an author, speaker and consultant in the personal development space for 23-years. I’ve delivered thousands of speeches in 10 countries, sold a million and a half books and have been featured on every major TV network in the western world. I honestly believe in the majority of messages offered by the thought leaders in this industry, and in the interest of full disclosure, most of them are friends of mine. The problem is personal development has become so profitable that some authors and speakers are misleading people through wild claims of get rich quick and instant success. From the

#1 Belief to Thrive Through Chaos

During this unprecedented time of chaos and uncertainty, top performers seem to have a single belief they use to survive and thrive. Most of them I’ve interviewed said they programmed this belief into their minds as a success strategy to mitigate fear. This basic belief kept them moving forward as their competitors shrank back. Watch this short video for more details and program yourself with this bullet-proof belief.

Hang Tough…The Tide Will Turn

2020 has been an international nightmare, and the end doesn’t seem to be in sight. In mental toughness training, we have lots of tools to enhance performance, but sometimes a situation is so grave that we turn our attention to pure survival. Experts say that depression sets in when a person is unable to construct a viable future. Obviously, the gross uncertainty we’re facing on a global scale has driven millions into depression. And while there’s no easy way out, my suggestion to those who are suffering is to just hang on. The tide will turn. The sun will rise again

Tough Enough for 24 Months of COVID-19?

The politicians want to wish it away. The clergy wants to pray it away. Parents want their kids back in school. Business owners want to reopen and save their businesses, and the list goes on. Everyone is sick and tired of this virus thats taken over the world. Conspiracy theories abound, but the here’s the bottom line: COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere. In mental toughness, we deal in objective reality, no politics, fantasy or wishful thinking. The only conclusion that can be reached based on months of observation and the opinions of scientists is that we are in for a couple of

Last Chance For Founding Member Status of Mental Toughness University for Entrepreneurs and Success Coaches

3-days ago we opened our Founding Member status for the 2020 launch of Mental Toughness University for Entrepreneurs and Success Coaches, and as expected, the response has been strong. This is the same process that helped companies increase sales over the past 23-years by $1.2 billion dollars, making it the most successful psychological training program in corporate America from 1997-2020. We’re expecting the same level results for our entrepreneur and success coach members. There’s a still a few hours remaining to lock in your spot, as we will close membership at 12 midnight PST tonight. (July 2, 2020) Founding members will

Entrepreneurs: Expect the Fight

The rough and tumble world of entrepreneurism is not for the faint of heart, its filled with obstacles, challenges and set-backs. It also gives you the opportunity to live your dream. After 30+ years of building businesses, I recommend that you expect a fight with each new venture. And if its your first time around the entrepreneurial track, brace yourself for physical and emotional impact. This is why mental toughness is the one skill you must have to make it. All things being equal, your level of mental toughness will be what makes or breaks you. Watch this short video (6

World-Class Coaching

Have you ever experienced world-class coaching? In other words, being coached by someone who has coached professional athletes, Olympic athletes and multi-billion dollar corporations that literally generated world-class results? I’ve had that experience, and it changed my life. The only downside is that world-class coaching is NOT for the faint of heart. It hits hard and never lets up, which is why it works. In July 2020, for the first time in over 25 years, I’ll be offering our Mental Toughness University Coaching Program to the general public, specifically for Entrepreneurs and Success Coaches. This group coaching program will be limited

5 COVID-19 Money Strategies of Millionaires

I’m doing TONS of TV and radio interviews on what the wealthy are doing with their money, and its NOT what you’re hearing in the press. I’ve spoken to dozens of self-made millionaires in the past two weeks to see what they were thinking, and most of them are quietly taking unique action behind the scenes to ensure their future success. These are the 5 strategies I’ll be sharing on FOX, ABC News and CBS later this week. I’ll look forward to your comments.