FREE Mental Toughness Book Offer

To kickoff 2014, I want give you a free ebook copy of my new book, FAT LOSER: Mental Toughness Training for Dieters. The book was officially released today, January 1, 2014, and I’ve already been booked to appear on FOX NEWS in Los Angeles, NBC in San Diego and CBS in Atlanta for interviews next week. Watch this short video (2:10) I taped today in Palm Beach, Florida and then download the ebook at Watch on YouTube [media id=247]

Steve Siebold in Amsterdam: Where are the fat people?

I was giving a speech in Amsterdam, and was shocked to see how few fat people there were. As you know, Amsterdam is famous for several things, including being known as the bicycle riding capital of the world. No wonder these people are so fit, no one seems to own a car! They ride their bikes to work all year long. I was so blown away by the lack of obesity that I took a video camera out in the middle of Dam Square searching for fat people, and I couldn’t find any! Amazing. 66% of Americans are overweight or obese.

Good Morning America interviews Steve Siebold

I just returned from being interviewed on Good Morning America in New York City, and i was really impressed with what a great job they did. Of all the TV interviews I’veĀ  done on Mental Toughness, I like this one the best. They just posted the interview on the ABC NEWS website at I’ll look forward to your comments. Steve Siebold