Self-Made Millionaire Reveals Success Strategy

Self-made millionaire and author Chris Felton discusses his new book, Think and Grow You, which is an excellent read for ambitious people. In this interview, Chris discloses the mistakes that took him from working as an accountant at a Big 8 firm to being $250,000 in debt and losing his family. Over the next several years, Felton rose like the proverbial phoenix to build a 7-figure business and reconcile with his loved ones. This is an extraordinary book written by an extraordinary man. Tune into this interview and take notes! #personaldevelopment

Florida Disaster Creates Investment Bonanza

Floridians are whistling past the graveyard. Global warming is making hurricanes more plentiful and dangerous. I’ve lived through 7 of them personally, and they are no joke. Insurance companies are skyrocketing rates or abandoning the state completely, and it’s only a matter of time before banks begin foreclosing on substantially more homeowners for not paying their insurance. I sold all 5 properties we owned in Florida, and have left the state for good. As bad as this disaster will be, savvy investors are going to get richer buying up tens of thousands of foreclosures over the next several years, and I’m

Imagine Living an Unrestricted Existence

There’s an elite subculture amongst the world’s population that has either earned or has been granted unlimited freedom to live life on their own terms. It’s not for everyone. To even have a legitimate shot at it, you must know exactly what you want, what you’re willing to do to get it, and what you’re willing to sacrifice along the way. If you’re addicted to the approval of other people, you will fail. You must value your own philosophy of living above all others, and be willing to accept the harsh criticism of the masses. That said, if you can make

How Ambitious Are You?

On the psychological scale of 1-7, 7 being most ambitious, how ambitious are you? Ambition is an interesting form of human energy, fueled by emotion and guided by logic. Your level of ambition dictates your expectations, which is why it’s critical that you rate yourself accurately. When ambition and expectation are asymmetrical; confusion, disappointment and unhappiness can occur. This is common complaint among high achievers who rate themselves a 6 or 7 but are truly only a 4 or 5. It’s frustrating when you’re not getting the results you’re expecting. Watch this short video, and evaluate yourself as objectively as possible

Millionaire Kids Most HATED Advice (from Parents)

After 40 years of interviews with self-made millionaires, there’s one piece of advice rich these people give their kids that they HATE to hear. In my book, Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids, I dedicate Chapter 159 to this sage, yet loathed piece of wisdom. Teenage boys hate it the most, but later in life, when they become wealthy and powerful, they tend to appreciate it more than anything their parents ever taught them. If you’re raising kids that are destined for uncommon success, watch this video and share this age-old lesson with them. It could mean the difference between success

My Favorite Billionaire Mentor

After 40 years of interviewing self-made millionaires and billionaires, I have a few favorites. Many of the flashy ones were ego-maniacs, but the majority were down-to-earth, genuine people who were easy to talk to and learn from. You’ve probably never heard of the billionaire I discuss on this video, but he changed a lot of lives for the better, including my own. And luckily, he wrote a book that details the system he used to build his empire. This book is old and out print, but if you’re an entreprenuer, do whatever it takes to purchase a used copy. It’s a

Billionaires Advice After Losing My Fortune

There’s an old saying among the rich: “it’s easier to live without money if you’ve never had it.” I think that’s true. Financial independence makes for a cushy, comfortable life, and it’s not easy to re-enter the rat race. No matter, that’s what I was forced to do many years ago after earning a small fortune, and I was disheartened and disappointed in myself. After all, I had interviewed hundreds of the world’s wealthiest self-made millionaires and billionaires, and I was the beneficiary of their collective financial wisdom. I employed it and it worked, but after a couple of poor judgement

Where My Billionaire Clients Are Investing Their Money

After decades of interviewing over 1,300 of the world’s wealthiest people, I’ve heard every type of investing strategy you can imagine. Everyone seems to have their own system, and few agree on everything. That said, we’re in a special time in history, where a single technology is impacting nearly every sector, and many experts agree that it’s still in its infancy. I’ve spent the past several months talking to dozens of my wealthiest clients and contacts around the world, and in my 39 years of interviews, I’ve never heard such consensus on an investment strategy. This video is a quick glimpse