The only thing standing between you and your ultimate vision is the help and support of enough powerful people. Middle class thinkers believe in the self made man/woman theory. World class thinkers believe in learning from mentors. Mental toughness is about critical thinking and being smart. Consider building a mentor team of powerful people who can make your dream come true. 12 years ago I had a dream to take my mental toughness message to the world as a professional speaker, but I didn’t have a clue how to do it. A chance meeting with a great mentor led to a team of 15 mentors that turned my dream into multi-million dollar business. If you’d like to hear the rest of the story, visit As you’re writing your vision in the mental toughness process, consider the fact that YOU don’t have to know HOW to make it happen. Someone, somewhere, knows EXACTLY how to do it. All you have to do is ask for their help. How exciting is this!? It means we can have almost any dream we can imagine! Why not go for it? What have you got to lose?
Steve Siebold
Author and Professional Speaker since 1997. Past Chairman of the National Speakers Association's Million Dollar Speakers Group. Author of 11 books with 1.4 million copies in print.
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The question: How do I use mentoring? begins with: I was mentored first. Twelve years ago a man began mentoring me in the business I was starting. He also advised me to introduce myself to successful people I’d meet at conferences and ask them what they did to be successful.
Since then I continue to be mentored by my friend and mentor, and I’ve become a mentor to people around the world in my business. Because of the nature of my business, mentoring – or coaching or teaching – is the source of everyone’s success through personal growth. Helping people feel better, live better and do better is a mentoring and relationship journey.
I’ve always since junior high had what I’d call a natural and total attraction to wanting to know life’s secrets related to body, mind and spirit. I never had to decide I would seek knowledge and including self-knowledge. It began happening when I was around ten years old and has remained consistent – through all the joys and trials and tribulations and pleasures of my journey in life.
Today “Life Begins At Sixty” is my motto to live by and being in the best of body, mind and spirit health my vision is to be that mentor through my business to those seeking what I do who will themselves become mentors.
We call that learning to do then doing to teach those who would come upon the same path.
So Steve, mentoring for me is a part of my life because of the business activity I’m engaged in every day. My background includes having spent twenty-five years teaching in the public school system so you see the connection.
Thank you for another personal entry from your life that gives me a chance to reflect and give it back to you.