Self-Made Millionaire Reveals Success Strategy

Self-made millionaire and author Chris Felton discusses his new book, Think and Grow You, which is an excellent read for ambitious people. In this interview, Chris discloses the mistakes that took him from working as an accountant at a Big 8 firm to being $250,000 in debt and losing his family. Over the next several years, Felton rose like the proverbial phoenix to build a 7-figure business and reconcile with his loved ones. This is an extraordinary book written by an extraordinary man. Tune into this interview and take notes! #personaldevelopment

Passion vs. Money

In the 1990’s, there was a popular book called “Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow”. Creative types loved it, while parents and pragmatics loathed it. After all, living your passion is wonderful, but you need money to survive. In the past few decades, this lofty (yet wise) philosophy seems to have shifted to “Go for the money”. I’ve interviewed self-made millionaires for 40 years, and in this short video, I reveal how you can have both.

Childish Reaction to Rejection

When facing rejection, do you tend to react more like an adult, or a child? Children are addicted to the approval of other people due to their lack of brain development and emotional maturity, yet many adults suffer from the same addiction. The inability to process rejection relegates even the most gifted adults to lower levels of success and happiness in life. In this short video, I pose a critical thinking question for your consideration. #personaldevelopment #mentaltoughness #criticalthinking

Florida Disaster Creates Investment Bonanza

Floridians are whistling past the graveyard. Global warming is making hurricanes more plentiful and dangerous. I’ve lived through 7 of them personally, and they are no joke. Insurance companies are skyrocketing rates or abandoning the state completely, and it’s only a matter of time before banks begin foreclosing on substantially more homeowners for not paying their insurance. I sold all 5 properties we owned in Florida, and have left the state for good. As bad as this disaster will be, savvy investors are going to get richer buying up tens of thousands of foreclosures over the next several years, and I’m

How I’m Scamming 12,000 Facebook Fans

Hundreds of my Facebook followers have been scammed in a hacker-led Facebook/Crypto Currency scam, and Facebook/Meta refuses to help. My Facebook page, which is and was hacked on May 22, and the hackers are using photos of me selling crypto, my 4-year degree in crypto (fake) and DMing my followers to sell them. I’m getting bombarded with victims who have been ripped off, and they think it’s me. I’ve hired twice, and they can’t fix it. I’ve contacted both of my senators and congressman, and they have yet to respond. Please don’t buy anything from my Facebook page,

Please Go Back

30 years ago I was in bad shape. My world had fallen apart, both personally and professionally. For the first time in my life, I understood the depths of depression. I felt weakened in every way, and I wan’t sure how to navigate this deep, dark existence. Then, by some miracle, a mentor appeared in my life, and he assured me that all was going to be fine, and that he would show me how to accomplish my dreams. He only had one condition, which was once I got to the top of the mountain, I would go back for others

Escaping the Hedonistic Treadmill

The western world is known for wealth, power, and hedonism. The Romans may have invented it, but we took it the next level. The problem is it doesn’t work. At least not in terms of creating long-term happiness. Extrinsic rewards can be powerful, but they’re usually hollow and fleeting. Science has found a better answer, and that’s what this video is about. #personaldevelopment #mentaltoughness #criticalthinking

Are You a Do-Gooder?

The world is on fire and in desperate need of do-gooders, people that consciously seek out opportunities to commit acts of kindness. In a divided culture where are very survival hangs in the balance, do-gooders have the power to unite us. I hope this short video will inspire you to become a Do-Gooder. #personaldevelopment #mentaltoughness #criticalthinking

Are You a Do-Gooder?

The world is on fire and in desperate need of do-gooders, people that consciously seek out opportunities to commit acts of kindness. In a divided culture where are very survival hangs in the balance, do-gooders have the power to unite us. I hope this short video will inspire you to become a Do-Gooder. #personaldevelopment #mentaltoughness #criticalthinking