Mental Toughness University FINAL OPEN ENROLLMENT November 24-29, 2020

Mental Toughness University for Entrepreneurs and Success Coaches is now open new students from November 24-29, 2020. This small group coaching program consists of weekly interactive online training followed by twice monthly LIVE coaching calls via Zoom. This is the final opportunity to become a Founding Member and receive a 20% discount off the monthly membership. For more details, watch this short (4-minute) video post and then click here to register for the FREE 30-minute webinar that explains what makes mental toughness coaching so different.

Trump vs. Biden: Emotional Breakdown

The 2020 Presidential election revealed more about the emotional intelligence of modern day Americans than it did about either one of the candidates. It’s one thing to hold a political opinion that counters your next door neighbors. It’s quite another to see your neighbor as an enemy because he/she doesn’t share your political point of view. Social media continues to be filled with hate-fueled messages, from both sides of the aisle, demonizing not the ideas, but the supposed “friends” on their feed. The golden rule of debate is that once you begin to level ad hominem attacks, you’ve lost. I’ve never

What Do You Expect?

The most successful people expect to get what they want. What do you expect? Are you expecting your best life? Many psychologists recommend lowering your expectations as a psychological strategy to mitigate the risk of disappointment. If you’re satisfied with an average life, its not a bad strategy. But if you’re shooting for the big life, raising your expectations is one of the first steps. Watch this short video and I’ll look forward to your comments.

Get Tough and Retire Rich

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is financial security. The peace of mind it offers is beyond compare. The first step is learning how money works, and then determining your personal goals and the cost of their achievement. Most people struggle with money their entire lives, and it causes them years of untold stress, discomfort and psychological suffering. The truth is that for most of us this is unnecessary. The secret is education followed by action. After 36 years of interviews with self-made millionaires and penning 4 books on the subject, I’ve learned some of the best tricks

Learning to Fight

Most people have never learned how to fight for a dream. They follow the traditional system of formal education that leads to gainful employment. Nothing wrong with that. It’s what the masses do, and frankly, its a far easier path. I refer to it as the zoo; a place where if you follow the rules and keep your hands out of the cages, you’re almost assured of a long, safe 40-year journey to a comfortable retirement in Boca Raton. But for the people who attempt entrepreneurship, its a whole different scenario. This is the Jungle. A dangerous place filled with obstacles

3 Lessons I Learned from My 5-Week Battle with COVID-19

I hope you never get COVID-19. It’s a monster. The people who compare it with even the worst of flu have no idea. I suffered for 5-weeks, and many people had it far worse than me. At this time, over 200,000 Americans have died of this deadly virus. I feel for their families. The American response to has been among the worst in the world, and it’s not much better today than it was in March. I’ve never been that sick in my life. I lost 21 pounds the first 2 weeks, and even months after recovery I lack the stamina

#1 Reason Entrepreneurs Fail

In any rejection-heavy business/profession, the #1 reason people fail is not a lack of motivation. Years of psychological research shows that the true culprit is Approval Addiction; or the addiction to the approval of other people. Approval Addiction is an insidious emotional disease that often manifests itself when a person breaks out of the traditional work life in order to stake their claim. This is why entrepreneurs, salespeople, recruiters and others whose days consist of 99% rejection often leave these life-changing roles due to the emotional tidal wave created when addiction meets rejection. In the 1950’s, a psychiatrist in South Africa

Teach Your Kids That Rich People Rule the World

Parenting is arguably the most important responsibility in life. Unfortunately, many parents echo our school systems by teaching children wishful, rather than critical, thinking. Many of us grow up hearing how love makes the world go around, only to discover that love has little to do with it. The problem with wishful thinking is that it leaves our kids vulnerable to predators with street smarts and skills, whether it means applying to their college or career of choice, purchasing their first car or home. While the realities of the world can be cruel, unfair and even sad, making sure your kids

The 9/11 Cult Leader Killed 3,000 Americans…The Next Cult Leader Will End the World

19 years ago today, Osama Bin Laden and his cult of brainwashed disciples slaughtered over 3,000 innocent Americans. Many refer to the hijackers as evil, but critical thinking tells the true story. These mass murderers were brainwashed to believe anything Bin Laden programed them to believe. Many of the hijackers held advanced degrees, yet Bin Laden brainwashed them into believing (so-called) martyrdom was preferable to living. This is how a cult leader can get people to believe anything. Emotional creatures are highly susceptible to brainwashing, and they will follow the leader with the loudest voice, much like a robot. Once the

Are You Tough Enough To Build a 6-Figure Networking Business?

From 1998, my late business partner and I ran the most successful professional prospecting program for Network Marketers in the industry. We taught people whom to call, what to say, and how to say it. At its peak, the program had 10,000 people representing 97 companies in 10 countries around the world. Network Marketing Magazine called it “The most successful prospecting system in the history of Network Marketing.” At the end of 2001, my business partner, Bill Gove, passed away, and I didn’t have the heart to continue the program without him. People have been asking about it nonstop for the